Friday, December 31, 2010
For To Be Mother Russian Poem
was my habit to change the look of the blog at the beginning of each year, but this time I'll have to wait a couple of months until I bought my new computer.
Anyway, happy years.
softness What is with you!
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Heather I Deep Throat Stream
with great sadness that I received this morning the news of the death of the popular clown Tiko Tiko. With over 30 year career, Ernesto Huertas, a Colombian who embodied the clown, passed away product of a fulminating heart attack.
Those who already spent three decades of life we \u200b\u200bhave fond memories of Tiko Tiko, who with their songs and tips we had fun in the evenings and more than one saved us from a social studies test contained the question: Name the 9 planets solar system. And how to forget
songs like "The Tree" or "You have to sport", which among other Tiko Tiko reminds us that resources never used obscene or vulgar to entertain. Despite the popularity of reggaeton and other crap tunes that became popular among children, he never used them to put music to its numbers. Today
costumes of sequins and colorful hats hung in the closet of the memory of thousands of men, women and children just do not enjoy his presence.
Rest in peace Tiko Tiko.

Incidentally, today is April Fool's Day and Tiko Tiko is more alive than ever and entertaining new generations like my nephews, who despite their young ages (2 and 1 year) are not lost, on any weekend, the program.
Monday, December 20, 2010
67 Chevelle Ss Restorable
Just as our dear friends: China Suarez, Gineth Moreno, Maria Sol Galarza and Nebraska Caputti, Kathiuska Peralta joins them to the hall of fame of the girls who paid for bastards screen to be photographed in sexual situations with the promise that photos will not be posted on the Internet.
Ecuador Girls, do not be assholes. If you are going to Q-leo not stop photographing and eye, not his sexual friends are bad data because they put the photos on the Internet. Sometimes even they who went up the photos. Today there is something called Bluetooth that is one way to transmit information between multiple devices using the same technology, including cell phones. What usually happens is that some are just idiots and do not put password to access via bluetooth and is simple, using a laptop with bluetooth, enter the phone and get everything: photos, music, phone book.
And if these recommendations do not learn the lesson, then fuck and mourn for output as amateur porn stars.
Friday, December 17, 2010
Jockstrap Under Wrestling Singlet
if it's just not characteristic of us Guayaquileños or perhaps all guayasenses might even be common to the coast, but say they understand why we eat the "esses" (letter, no shit).
Actually I had not noticed and some of you either, because all we sound alike, but really the majority, if not all, are not properly pronounce the "S". I noticed that for the first time after listening to a podcast from Eduardo Arcos ALT1040 and editor of PC Magazine, a Mexican woman whose name I forget, who was ridiculed in the diction of Arcos.
then read aloud a few sentences and run and you'll realize what I'm talking about:
vinyl discs are no longer hear well.
The stadium was packed
The island was deserted
You are the person for the job
If cheated to pronounce the phrases, each one sounded like this:
Loj dijcos vinyl and not well ejcuchan
The ejtadio ejtaba to burst
The desert was Ikhlaas
Ujted is the right person for the job.
Guayacash pronunciation rule ...
From what I noticed, when there is a sound / s / between a vowel and a consonant, the Guaiac pronounce the "S" and "J". So words such as: stage, disco, was, an island, you become eJtadio, diJco, eJtaba, Ikhlaas, uJted.
addition, when speaking quickly does, these jacks are lost and seem to speak phonetically "s's eating."
This rule also applies for the letter "X" in words like exquisite, former employees, ex.
And ujted nuejtra another peculiarity of speech has been found?
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Legionella Fever Relative Bradycardia
After a thorough analysis of the events that took place in Ecuador on September 30, 2010, a committee of experts hired by the Office of Ecuador, came to revealing conclusions.
The President of the Republic is inflaming the minds of anyone.
both media and social networking via the Internet, has been demonized too the images of President Correa speaking to the police. What seemed to be a harangue to the assassination actually had another connotation.
The president, just that day was very hot, it was a very sunny day in Quito. So much heat had to be loosened his tie to feel more comfortable. He then turned to two aides and Emen Mata surname and said, "If I want, Mata, arm mate, Emen. "The president has recently become an avid consumer of yerba mate that her friend Cristina Fernandez sent from Argentina and simply wanted to invite you to drink herbal tea to the police to relax and to deal more calmly the impasse.
Unfortunately the police did not get the message heard and thought the president said, "If you want to kill me, kill me." And so began the whole problem.
The President if he was kidnapped
The commission ruled that doctors at the military hospital retained against his will President Correa. Medical reports show clear signs of restraint, look at the underlined phrases:
- The patient must be immobilized to prevent further damage to his recently operated knee.
- It is recommended that the president remain at rest, in-room at least 8 hours for full recovery .
- You must prevent smoothly. However, any communication receive or do in an emergency, must be addressed immediately .
conspiracy existed for a coup
The committee also reviewed all that was said about the president in the social networks that day. Filtered sentences containing words like "bitch," "bastard," "fag," "soplaverga", "Tragedy", and analyzed twitter hashtags as "# valesvergacorrea", "# correamariconhijodelasmilputas", "# muerteacorrea" and determined a high degree of people with a tendency conspiracy.
were analyzed calls from several government officials and found that some of them were reported with friends of relatives of the nephew of the sister of a concido which has connections with the Patriotic Society, a sign that everything planned Lucio Gutiérrez .
No censorship to freedom of expression
The committee wishes to make clear there was no censorship of freedom of expression as the indefinite and mandatory national chain to be forwarded to the television and radios of the country did not prevent journalists of media to express themselves freely. They could use other means such as smoke signals, telegraph, batiseñal, mobile, twitter, facebook and the like.
Final recommendations of the commission
Among the recommendations made by the committee include:
- train groups of citizens to be on constant alert to any threat against the established order. The goal is that by the end of 2011, has a national alliance akin to country within the family.
- Increase the presence of the government's image in media. To achieve this goal, every day, every fifteen minutes, a five-minute advertisement on the government will be displayed on the television and radio will be transmitted to the government praise songs performed by renowned singers and groups.
- Taxing to 69% VAT on newspapers and magazines that do not have a social order in order to democratize access to information and end the smear campaigns of the power groups entrenched in media written communication.
- Reforming the Companies Act to limit the shareholding in more than a means of communication to any person or company in Ecuador. This will prevent the monopoly of the media. Every citizen has the right to participate as a shareholder and / or administrator in one and only one type of media: magazines, newspapers, radio, television, internet.
- Asking the ISPs to all outgoing traffic is redirected by a same proxy to determine which pages are connected to the Ecuadorians and identify conspirators time regime.
Finally, do not believe all the garbage you just read. It's just a joke and none of this is real. It was not even written by me but by another person who also has access to this site.
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Shortwave Speaker Wire Ant
Ecuadorians should feel proud of the achievements of our country as it really implausible things happen here worthy of record in the pages created it or not, Ripley!
The latest is a marriage that was propaganda as "the first marriage homosexual made in Ecuador. "The interesting thing is that one party is a woman who became a sex change to become a man and married a man ...
Yes ... I too I was half bewildered. This is a woman who was man and made to look like man operation, but being a man is attracted to men. Osea is a homosexual within the body of a woman ... Or put Otherwise, a woman who wanted to have a penis to stick in the anus of another man and in turn receive the penis of a man inside his anus, but not inside your vagina.
Well ... the bottom line is that has nothing that homosexual Marriage and "in essence" civil registration did not violate the Constitution because it is a marriage between a man and a woman look as though the man and woman have penis.
But what happens when the Ecuadorian gay sex is changed both physically and in his civilian identity want to marry someone of the same sex? Take precedence of form over substance, ie to allow marriage between a woman who was a man but that the card is listed as wife with another man, or the essence will prevail, meaning that although the card says it wife, his male essence prevents you from marrying another man? Do not miss this episode of the telenovela, the cum and Profane.
Monday, December 13, 2010
How To Cover Ugly Sink Pipes
As is typical this time of year, witches / as, fortune tellers, girls and visionaries make their predictions about what will happen in the new year. Today, using the powers given me strength, I will make my predictions for 2011
Barcelona not be champion this year . The Curse of Makanaki still making the rounds and despite making good games, key in fighting against: Emelec, Liga de Quito, El Nacional and Deportivo Quito will keep away from the cup for another year.
Barcelona Maruri waiver. Eduardo Maruri finally realizes that what he is advertising and left the presidency of Barcelona. Instead, fans who choose to Alfonso Harb promises to Copa Libertadores 2012 and the championship the same year.
Liga de Quito again American champion. To the dismay of the FC Barcelona, \u200b\u200bLiga de Quito wins again in Libertadores Cup final against a team from Argentina. This time the final final will be played in Quito.
Farándula and media
A well-known Radio announcer Diblú out of the closet. They say that those who boast about something, do so because they lack that. Thus, the sexual preferences of a terrible announcer speech is evident.
Sports journalist change channels. Tired of so many eggs in the channel where he works, a longtime sports journalist resigns and is hired in another string where it has greater freedom to undertake new projects.
TV mourning dies screen character. A beloved character and part of the Ecuadorian television history leaves this world. Peace in his grave.
Andres Crespo
wins major award. Ecuadorian filmmaker Andres Crespo, is a major creditor of international award for one of their productions.
wedding bells ring for another journalist Diblú. This year jod .. say, the house, a radio journalist Diblú endearing. Right there ...
Policy Important character is killed. An influential South American political and social trends is killed when she attended a meeting in another South American country. The killer committed suicide by swallowing cyanide so as not to discover the intellectual authors.
South American country is the target of terrorist attacks . Fundamentalist groups opposed to the government of this country carry out terrorist acts in different cities. Killed hundreds of citizens. The country's president decreed a state of emergency and assumed full powers. Clashes flare up and end up killing his wife and children. The president resigned and peace returns to the country.
FARC lay down their arms. After many years, the FARC in Colombia lay down their arms, but in the north, a new form and guerrillas call themselves: Guevarists Bolivarian forces. Found in his possession weapons of North Korean and Iranian manufacture.
These are some of the visions I had thanks to the power (or perhaps were the result of poisoning with psychoactive substance I gave Miley Cyrus?). We'll see if any are true.
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Salieri Hotel Free Watch
The title of this post is one of the guesswork that can form around the problem that crosses national beer company, because I really can not find a logical explanation for it all.
First let's look at history:
- A workers' union claims the payment of utilities from 1990 to 2005 the amount of which reaches 90 million
- A judge in the trial of childhood and adolescence welcomes the request of former employees and gives the ban on leaving the directors and officers of the Brewery . It also requests the freezing of funds of the company in any financial institution, prohibits the sale of shares and (WATCH OUT FOR THIS) PROHIBITED manufactures and markets PILSENER BEER AND CLUB.
"The judge is dumb or made?
Say the claim of former employees is fair and assume that the 90 million to be paid by the brewery is the correct amount. How the fuck is going to pay that amount if the brewery can not sell its flagship products in the month of increased consumption? How do you think, that judge, that the brewery is going to pay their workers the thirteenth and Christmas bonuses if the accounts are frozen?
Here I can only make a few guesses at tremendous stupidity
1) There is a political issue involved. It may be that the government wants to do some shit to Brewery for one of two things: take over the company and make it the first company in Ecuador's socialist (following the example of Chavez) and thereby control the production of beer and their consumers or favoring some current or future competitor Brewery (Cerveceria Polar able to get right now.)
2) Someone very powerful and not necessarily the government is behind all this. Won the argument (outstanding payments of profits), billetió to a judge and got to shake the largest brewer in the country with similar aims as those outlined in the previous point: trying to promote a competitor or just screw the Brewery.
Let's see what happens in the coming days. Perhaps the production of Conquer and come out with flavored Dorada Club Pilsener.
What if I tell you is that you hear a rumor that Sab Miller might leave the management of the brewery once you fix the problem.
Monday, December 6, 2010
Brazilian Wax, Rochester Mn
addition to its rich culture of the two Chinas, Alicia is very adept at French. According to it, French is so easy to just precede the phrase C'est each word (pronounced / se /) and finish with e. For example:
walked Path = C'est la [is the way]
C'est la Puerta = port [port it]
C'est la chair = chair [it chair]
Dog dog = C'est la [is the dog]
Cat = C'est la Gate [is the Gate]
= C'est la Donkey Donkey [is the donkey]
Family members:
C'est Sister Brother = [is the brother]
Uncle = C'est la Tie [is SIT]
Dad = C'est la Pape [it pape]
Mom = C'est la mam .... [Is the mam ...] Oops .. I think he forgot there French
Thursday, December 2, 2010
How Much Are Size 8 Ice Skates
was driving my car while listening Televistazo at 13:00 when the news came: in the words of Karl Marx, the IRS will investigate whether the transfer of Teleamazonas shareholders unrelated to the actual banking was fulfilled. In other words, if you really want to know the fat Fidel Egas and not directly or indirectly manages Teleamazonas.
crazy Did Karl Marx? Let me say that it is not for the SRI. Who is responsible is to the Superintendency of Companies. You and your filthy rats Service should be devoted to tax and nothing else. Sure!, Certainly took the opportunity to these statements to be well with the jefecito Correa. Bootlicking!
Kitchen Backsplash Outlets Extend
I could not start writing in this blog at a better time. The political atmosphere is heated, and what began as another claim of insecurity is becoming a bloody battle between the two most influential politicians of the day: Jaime Nebot and Rafael Correa.
The interesting thing here is that Correa does what he does best: divert attention thanks to their propaganda machine. On Saturday 27, weekly chain, a space devoted to attacking Nebot mustachioed mayor's request to repeal the provision that frees people who have been prey to a year without receiving sentence. Correa, or rather his advisers, data showed that the provision of the Constitution and coidearios Nebot wrote in 1998.
Then he sent a string of the time arrechucona (horny and bullying) to justify giving Nebot where criminals shot and then criticizing the development model of Guayaquil, to be unjust (unfair means), encouraged crime. Also stressed the repressive attitude of the municipality against informal traders infer that what he was doing the same City that fosters crime by not leaving work "honestly" to people.
Nebot sinks
only note that the Mayor is not a good team and marketing image consultant that will make them realize that it is asserting Correa cock in front of the lower middle class people pulling to groundwater.
Although I support the laws and ordinances, the following actions are prejudicial to his political position:
1) To close the premises of the dealers located in the building of the Government of Litoral
2) To close the premises sales of holiday items in certain areas of Guayaquil
3) Do not issue permits for street construction in Mount Sinai
4) According to the newsletter In Touch Ecuavisa Wednesday December 1, preventing the repair Utility luminaries overpass Luis Vernaza hospital
5) According to the same news, take a shit and bouncing pipe coming from the offices of the consortium Puerto Clean (Great irony of life!)
But between fights, this pair of bastards solve nothing and we still under siege from crime.
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
فرجينا سكس
No, this is not a racist post, I simply stay away from political posts. But as the man is a political animal in this country are fed up material, I invited a very special character who, from now on will be the editor / publisher of these issues. These are the features:
Sex: 5 to 6 times a week
Age: Neither young nor old
Height: Taller than a dwarf
Education: Know greet and thank
Title: This is what goes to the beginning of the posts
Best of all is that we share a love for Star Wars and to continue the line of characters the dark side, we have chosen whom I consider the second best villain of the saga: Darth Maul, but to avoid conflicts with George Lucas, we'll call Darkth Maul (the Dark is black ... do not goats, buddy ... lol .)
This diabolical character fits like a finger to touch subjects as rough and dangerous to health and peace of mind as those related to the policy area of \u200b\u200bEcuador.
Welcome, Darkth Maul.
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
How Does It Take For A Hematoma
The following is a fictitious situation. Any resemblance to this or any other reality, it is witchcraft.
Friday November 26, 2010
website Wikileaks published hundreds of emails, documents, transcripts of calls from the government of Rafael Correa. Among other issues, finds that:
- The videos of Ricardo Patiño negotiating table under the Ecuadorian debt paper are real. There are emails between Patil Venezuelan financial and prove it.
- By e-mail, a man calling himself Antonio, writes to Rafael Correa on the favors received during the campaign and Colombian leaders are not going to solar one ticket more until ensures that Reyes will not be endangered in the camp in northern Ecuador (dates are one week before the Colombian attack the camp where Reyes was killed)
- Rafael Correa received clear instructions from Cuba to form a coalition Latin American left. The manifesto outlines the steps to follow: 1) create a new constitution, 2) eliminate opposition journalists, 3) build a huge propaganda machine.
- Mails between Correa and a coach named John FP where it tells you the quickest way to seize the assets of Isaiah.
- Mails specific orders of Rafael Correa to be awarded a public works companies owned by his brother
- Transcripts of telephone calls between Correa and his advisors about the 30s. A key phrase is "make everything appear as a coup."
Sunday November 27, 2010
Journal publishes The Universe from page 1 through 8, some key documents from Wikileaks. The main headline reads: "The government has clean hands dirtier than El Chavo
Monday 28 November 2010
Journal The Telegraph called the first page: "Ecuador false documents circulating on the Internet." At 7 am, the television channels and radio stations received a circular from Conatel: "At 20:00 there is a national network. Prohibits further disseminate news on the subject Wikileaks under penalty of reversion frequencies."
At 20:00 begins the national chain. In summary it states:
- The documents are false
- The creator of Wikileaks is a criminal who receives thousands of dollars from the right Ecuador and the United States to make all this crap
- According to intelligence reports from the police, members of the Social Christian Party, Wooden Guerrero and Patriotic Society would be among those who provided false information to Wikileaks.
Tuesday November 29, 2010
in direct contact and other morning news discredit members of government information Wikileaks and affirm the conspiracy theory of PSC, wood and Patriotic Society Guerrero . At 7:30 repeats the chain last night.
back to reality
robolution lovers are happy for the information leaked Wikileaks valeverguismo showing the U.S. government (which some already knew). Now even occurred to them to give the creator of Ecuadorian citizenship Wikileaks and offer to come to Ecuador.
seems that the cow can not remember when it was beef. Do you remember the Pativideos? As soon as it surfaced, the government decreed that no video could be shown in public without the express permission of a judge. Nor could play audio and poor TV channel that break the rule: the almighty Conatel can reverse frequency.
Monday, November 29, 2010
Friday, November 19, 2010
Aspertame Withdrawl - Palpitations
At the request of my fiancee;) 'God is a DJ' does blog entry. It's kind of songfic, so I recommend if you want, listen to songs that is composed and wrote the story. Enjoy it ~
Title: "God is a DJ"
Author: lonely soul
Genre: General - Romance? / Songfic?
Couples -
Warnings: No
Date: November 1910 '
Al Petit Prince likes to get lost in the sounds of music to forget, forget all those men that promise to give her the stars and disappear to the other morning. And the DJ, as God Almighty in this place knows what to give, more than Luc suspicion.
For tonight, God is a DJ.
songs to download:
God is a DJ - Faithless
Martyr - Depeche Mode
Freelove - Depeche Mode
God is a DJ
"The poetic justice of cause and effect
Respect, love, compassion.
This is my church This is where i heal my hurts.
For tonight God is a DJ. "
Smoke, darkness, light color and fragrance in the air that invites the sin. And hot, very hot soon transpires in a damp clothes sticking to the skin and releases the filament glows under local. This is your first thought Luc each time you hit your favorite record search not a partner but the music.
True is not hard to miss when you enter this little world of banalities and music that explodes in your ears until you were deaf, and yet her body always knows where to go and others also seem to know where to find it. And he loves, because out of doors can be a nobody, but when there is the prince of the kingdom. This is demonstrated by the looks that stick to it and walk every curve of her slender body. Her blond hair dyed pale almost to the small beads of sweat off every time his face turning jumps back and forth to the beat of the music, her eyes following the receipt of your eyelids are a chocolate sweetness that only increases a face that despite his age does not lose the roundness characteristic of childhood. Le petit prince have dubbed and the name stuck like a glove. And he loves it.
Moving like a fish in water is in the middle of the dance floor while gyrate their hips to punch . Luc loves music as much as he loves to dance and be carried away by the heat of all those bodies crammed in nights like this are no longer individual entities to become one. A dough that does not need to think about anything or anyone. And that above all things. Luc frowned but did not stop dancing. Just remember just what came to mind today. Lost another couple after a night of great sex. As good as the music reverberates throughout your body and makes your heart vibrate, perhaps strong enough so that it becomes detached sadness. Yes .. I could feel her legs up clad in jeans, clutching his stomach and died in her throat with each syllable of the song. There was no better drug than that, no sir. Raised his arms while the hips wiggle and vibrate like a taut violin string in a beautiful vibrato . Ah, yes ...
And sorry. On her bare neck glossy with sweat, the warmth of a language that runs invisible skin with a warm breath. Luc keeps her eyes closed but he knows where to look to find those pupils who break their bodies from a distance. Beyond the smoke and raised hands, still above the lights that act as angels for bodies sway in the rhythm of the song and the vibration that burns your feet, eyes that glows your skin are those of the omnipotent that as a puppeteer, is guilty of what happens on that track. Luc turns and her gaze meets the DJ a split second before returning to close your eyes and jump, with all the strength he has, peeling of the amorphous rest of the people who dance with him and the song expected since his arrival starts ringing. And everything around her disappears, unless the invisible hand that drowns the moans that his throat has, sending them to his chest like burning coals to keep it standing, despite the fatigue, despite the pain, despite the gray monotony of his life that is coupled over their shoulders like an impossible rock. There, the DJ is God.
And the DJ wants to dance, to revive, which release their loads. Forget. Or maybe not, that everything is an illusion designed in the head boy's faded. It was something I used to wonder, and what prevented him from approaching the maker of everything, of that paradise of sound that could release the catharsis Luc. Illusions or truths?, To what extent the look on her body was the product of her imagination?
But Luc forgot. And oblivion, looks disappeared and it was just that feeling of ecstasy that I ran and freed him as a person, who attends the church to absolve themselves of their sins. That small club, it was their church and the DJ with music and lights, officiating priest of the redemptive figure able to forget it all, to forgive for the mistakes committed every week by choosing partners who knew they were going hurt. What was the delay? If he was already meant "Petit Prince that in his story there was no room for a prince?
The song had changed more quickly than it should, which roused him from his trance. Or maybe it was his head that he was playing a joke, since he had not even noticed when he stopped dancing but he had done. It was strange, but that day was more restless than usual, and although it had determined not to think too much, was all he was doing. Music regained volume and instantly recognized the letter as there were few times that was identified with every syllable and every line of that song. Luc had not come to dance but I could feel the melody take over every part of your body motionless among so many bodies that turned and jumped to his side. His legs were trembling under the vibration of the speakers and the sweat seemed able to jump on his skin to beat the echo that made his heart in his chest. He closed his eyes for a moment, a moment at least, fearful that the song was over before re-opening. He needed the courage that caused him to lift melody head straight for the only direction you never dared to look more than a thousandth of a second, as if the very sun and the view could blind you like the music getting blinded coming in there.
"... I need to be by your side
I Have Knelt at your feet
i have felt you deceit
Could not leave if I tried
I've been a martyr for love ... " [1]
His eyes and the DJ were merged to melt the chocolate in his eyes as each verse of the song left her lips, falling inconsistent on the ground between his awkward steps between all the people who blocked his way, now trying to stop and away from the God who called him and always called him the only way they knew how. His body was fighting eternally graceful power that wanted to keep away from that other deity in the small club where hundreds of souls were trying to bring peace to their hearts. But Luc was tired of being a martyr, to deliver his lovesick heart for it back and made a stew of crumpled after he had cleaned his feet with him. He was the Petit Prince, able to give you a good night if you're good. But no one cared to know what would happen if you woke up with him one day. However, it seemed that someone was willing to try. And he going to handle that way.
The DJ must have thought the same, because the music changed again, and as a good puppeteer who was the song down to its cadence, silencing the souls of all men and women who were there, who calmer opened as the waters of the Nile to Moses. Not even then, the letters that touched on the singer's mouth stopped talking. Luc moved his lips but no sound, as if the slightest change in the melody may affect the strange environment that had occurred there. If you've Suffered Enough ... and a step. I Can Understand What You're thinking of ... and another. I can see the pain That You're frightened of ... [2] and was getting closer. The thick, sweet voice of singer is smeared on your skin drying the beads of sweat and tears, scattered throughout his body. The staircase was presented as a giant open arms who climbed one by one as whisper-now-the song itself, like a mantra that kept him safe, step by step. 've Been running from love ... and the man guarding the door leading to the room DJ let it go, as if he knew, as if he knew that one day I would be there and would do so, as an implicit rule in the air, in the song the lights around and playing on your hair making it fluorescent. At least, he thought, would mean that paranoia was not theirs, so long have felt the eyes of the DJ on his person. The music and the rest of the world is left on the other hand, where life still continued its course, where the pain was keeping calm under the magic of a song that spoke highly of the way they were. And face it, the only guilty of touching the heartstrings of his faithful, who still had not turned to him. Luc
thanked him, while won used the time to memorize the traits that had always tried to discern between smoke and lights too bright, not to mention that he had never encouraged rather than spying. Contrary to expectations, the man who was found there was far more normal than you imagined and very different men who used to pretend. Dressed in baggy clothes and dark colors, was responsible for controlling the volume of the song that was playing behind the glass of the soundproof booth. His face was filled with shadows a bit because the atmosphere of the nightclub, another bit by the huge wore headphones to hear better the music was going to the faithful. Nothing in his acting denoted that he was waiting and yet everything had been there, the only place it has never dared to go, the one place forbidden for him too, who did not think he could violate the sanctity of this shrine I was able to provide peace, week by week, day by day. The DJ had never meant anything to him, not as a person at least, but like a machine and his brain had made a click that night, acknowledged in the lyrics of the songs a pebbled path that this time it was eaten by no one but himself, leading to the foot of the man who was as real as all the other men he had gone to bed.
still could not see his face was hidden behind the lights and shadows that made a blot profile that was confused with the dark painted on the wall. Nerves suddenly surfaced on it, like a flower plucked inside with unusual speed planting seeds of curiosity and fear. I wanted to see, eyes to see that face so strong that they were able to penetrate his soul from afar, to caress of a hand made of fire plumes that made him tremble like a song sparrow that it vibrates to the fluff lies close to their chest. I wanted to see and to see it all made sense: his dedication to all those bodies who said they loved him for one night, the pain and falling back in that never-ending vicious cycle, that everything was just an excuse to discover the truth behind the music, the hidden truth was more painful and sweet that all the times you danced until almost unconscious on the track of that club.
music turned back, retreating stanza by stanza, that song had so often heard and again crashed into his ears. Against all of it.
"... From the day I Was Born
I've Been Moved like a pawn
By the Greatest of Powers. " [3]
Everything went dark after the huge accomplishment. His feet crashed to the ground with aplomb and unbearable noise invaded their ears after the calm which had been immersed in his trance. For he opened his eyes he was still in the middle of the crowd and his favorite song was still ringing in the air loud and clear, straight to the nerve endings of his body began to vibrate, and tiny speakers waiting for the chorus that would allow start. Once again, like a Moses whom God had equipped guts, like a fish in water that was dodged every body shook with the catchy melody and impulsively, jumped every step of the ladder, until the guard who looked like he had much seen in your imagination. All the guards were very similar, he supposed. What surprised him, pleasantly, is to let him go without asking anything in the air while a song was heard forcefully again:
"For tonight
God is a DJ. "
not need anything else. The tongue of fire hovered Luc against his neck and smiled before entering the shrine, where the greatest of the powers could be it too.
[1] Extract song Martyr by Depeche Mode: "... I need to be by your side I have knelt at your feet, I felt your deceit, do not I could have gone if I tried ... "
[2] extract of the song by Depeche Mode Freelove :" ... if you've suffered enough; can hear what you think, I can see the pain you fear. "
[3] Martyr - Idem:" ... since the day I was born I have been moved as a pawn, for the greatest of powers. "
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Blushing Surgery Cheap
Wow, spent a month-and one day since the last time I was here. The term has spread like wildfire and time I've gotten out of hand, I can not believe it! Luckily
are over the partial and the supply of TP, so hopefully that can Back to the rhythm of ups here on the blog so you do not forget me xD!
To warm up, I leave an attempted-rather detective story narrative, which I wrote with some seriousness though, me and my old friend, we are worth more than a laugh xD.
See you soon, hopefully "!
Title: "Goldilocks"
Author: lonely soul
Genre: General - police?
Couples -
Warnings: No
Date: August 10 '
found the body of a famous writer, in his bedroom. Has been strangled but the shock does not last long: the detective you know who is to blame.
The death of Mrs. Nini Koll did not take anyone by surprise. His arrogant and hypocritical attitude earned him few enemies as well of discontent that ran between those who are still counted among his friends. You could even say that her lover Efarías have been surprised when he found facedown on his bed, pale like statues guarding the entrance to his home in the mind of the city of London. His face had been covered by her hair black as a mourning cloak prepared and woven in gold, showing the terror that had accused her body at the time of his death. Cause of death: asphyxiation. The envoy of the morgue did not need to see or touch it, but under the insistent gaze of Noel michaellis, but could not finish listening to your body.
-Death by suffocation. The marks on her neck indicate that the perpetrator was behind the victim at the time of strangulation.
"The most likely occurred right there," replied the detective, approaching the victim to better see your face.
-seems the most logical. Her hands grabbed the sheets and that's how we found it. There was resistance on their part, but given the position it was, could not do much, "the detective nodded. Need to see more?
"No, I think not, it seems that the murder was not planned for what he and the killer fled without realizing he had left something on the bed.
- What? "The doctor looked puzzled at the bed, noticing for the first time a metal cigarette case.
-must have been scared when he realized what he had done and fled without noticing that in the scuffle he dropped something. If you look, you will notice that the initials do not agree either with the lady's not with Mr. Efarías. -Put the white cloth glove, Noel lifted the cigarette he was on one side of the waist of the deceased Nini Koll. He carried around his eyes to better see the letters engraved on the silver-A 'M' and a 'T' ...
A gasped incredulously through the air in the room from the door into the hallway. Doctor and detective turned their faces toward the holder of that annoying high-pitched voice and came up with Efarías, who grabbed the wrist of Mary, the best friend of Nini. The force exerted on the pale skin reddened tip of the girl, but she did not move from where I was, frozen in place after hearing those two fateful letters. Noel watched with great shame, as seen at a friend's dog being punished for his owner. The girl gave that aspect petacón people who saw her walking behind the couple Koll. More than a junkyard dog was a pet, disgustingly true. And there I was, trapped under the claw which was sole owner, his eyes wide as moons of poets nostalgic and dropped his brow as the leaves fall in autumn. Without Nini, Mary's presence faded. It was like a poisonous nettle thorns digging his hand in his gardener.
-Yo ... what is this? She tried to excuse her, not realizing all that his face was shown. But no matter the pain she was feeling now, "thought Noel, the damage was done and unfortunately, most anticipated and longed to have been the death, justice was for all alike. Or at least it tried to go Noel.
- Why did Mary? Mrs. Nini should have you very confident, if the left close enough to strangle her from behind on the bed. They discussed "working? What's new novel he had published Ms. Koll? -That, that rumor was actually you, Miss Tonnie, "what he had promised Nini? What then say that the novel was yours? And finally ...
She cut him.
- Confidence? Spat the girl, showing some of the English bravura still coursed through his veins. Suddenly, the helpless puppy and did not seem much, resembling the color of his gray eyes to the fur of the wolves lost in the snow, "trust or helpful? I was giving a massage. Might say, "Oh, what great friends they were ', but seeing it is more likely to think it was more a servant-girl lowered the tone of voice. I think that even I began to think that.
"I played the track, yes. It was a sensitive issue, the sarcasm, dancing in his tone, mingled with tears in his eyes did not escape, but were swallowed and muddy his voice. Nini did not want "to take it the wrong way."
confidentiality ... the complicity that gives the closeness you closer to her and tried to get his words sounded less hostile, whispering to his ears, am I right? "The young woman and the doctor was surprised.
"Yes, but how ...
" Very easy, miss. The color of his hair, between gray and gold, is quite remarkable, and their curls curls is probably easier than getting caught in clothing, and other things such as the hair of Mrs. Koll-gloved hand with the skill of a surgeon, removed one of the many light hair that tangled with the black of the dead, giving the appearance of being woven in gold, as he had noticed at first glance just came Noel. But she must have laughed at you. Mrs. Koll, after so many years promised to publish one of his books, published last one, but do so on your behalf. And when you ask when you will know the truth she tells him than ever.
-well you know Mrs. Koll, "replies Mary, with her tone lost in the vastness of the empty room and cold, as the owner.
"Oh, no, I only know the human heart, Miss Tonnie, I regret that you did not know know before ..." He raised his hands, unable to continue the sentence and add another brick to the charge of Mary.
"I know, but I hope not," he apologized she said. I really hoped not.
Monday, October 25, 2010
Webstar Modem Outputs
fuck it, little by little they are going all! This news if I moved and so break the silence that had been keeping for some time. In these last days of October we left for just 59 years one of the most honest of reggae music, if, fuck, let the teacher! and I can not nor do I want to believe. I had the opportunity to see for the first time in the early 90's here in the old stadium in Buenos Aires and works last in late 2009 and was always a real pleasure. Just last Saturday while David went on show in Groove Hinds had something like a foreboding thought I said "bye, how many more times I will have the opportunity to listen to guys like that?" A chill ran down my body and tried to drive away the ghost ... and breakfast just me with this sad news ... Its rich history
know it all .... just leave me say this: Be well wherever you are!
Mr X
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Dsc Trouble Light But No Information
These weeks that I could not write anything I like enough, I spent writing poems. Ok, not really, I grabbed a night of madness, I believe, and wrote some. Will the short story that I jumped, but is actually harder to write a poem for me at least a little story.
Well, not here for my babbling XD. Bring two awards given to me and Dixie Karu-chan =). Today there will reward anyone, but I give many thanks to both for thinking of this blog and to continue bringing us yaoi all we like =). Insurance already know their pages, but please keep visiting them to always bring something interesting:).
Awards and the poem of the week ('Mar') to 'Read more ...' Until next time!

This award gave me

This happened to me Karu-chan, and although I did update some answers ^ ^ ~ ♥ I nominate
Sorry, but not this week x_x
4 things in my bag:
1. Candy
Pines 3. Pouch with everything needed to draw
4. Wallet with ID
4 favorite things about my room:
1. My laptop speakers for music super * Q *
2. My Japanese flag and posters on my walls ~ ♥.
3. My futon: 3 (Tousen arigatou ^ ^)
4. Privacy XD
4 things that I like right now:
1. My group nihongo, w, ~ ♥
2. Cornelia Funke (Y)
3. Bears & chubbies
4. Life in general:)
4 things I always wanted to do:
1. Finish learning to play an instrument
2. Go to Japan and see a concert of Kanjani8
3. Post a full-fledged book
4. Fly: 3
4 things you never knew me:
1. I studied violin for almost two years and only a few months XD
flute 2. I'ma vegetarian
3. ... but someday I'll try the takoyaki XD.
4. At first glance look like a quiet, innocent girl of 16 years (when I have 21 u_uU) ... until I open my mouth XD
4 songs that I can not shake of the head:
1. Sen no Kaze ni Natte - Masafumi Akikawa
2. 413man - Yokoyama Yuu
3. TOPOP - Yasuda Shota
4. Dream Express - FLOW
(click on the titles to download the songs ^ ^) ----
If the light had just one day,
does the care centers within yourself for me?
gulls flying in the midst of deep, dark ocean,
'm drowning in your presence absence.
The land away from me.
waves in curls your hair looks, it is impossible to forget
poke you in the memories
under the sea foam itchy,
sting wounds the heart.
If the eternal night will pose in my eyes,
would you be the lighthouse on the coast to bring me home?
Ship aground wants
my emotions in your heart, destroy everything
and plant the red flag of danger. Very
within you.
fired a flare, an SOS
straight to you.
you light the lighthouse
are waiting for my ship.
And yet, I sink,
ran aground off the coast of yourself, your
far away, far from your thoughts.
The lighthouse is turned and locked
help others and forgetting about me.
My boat became only the memory of what was,
in the depths of your ignorance
as a treasure, you'll never see the light.
but a treasure nonetheless.
Friday, October 1, 2010
Europeions Bottom Less Images
did not feel like updating, but here I am thanks to a meme: 3 and I go way freak I wrote a poem based on an image. I have wanted to do a story too ~ ♥. The partials are gone and I think I did well, but only I will know next week, haha. Well, see you later! Good weekend to all
^ ^ ~ ~
Rope (Image by lawnmowerpants @ DA)
Up, up,
the stairs
rope hanging,
of my stomach.
Come, run!,
jumps and climbs!
The guts are not finished.
help you up.
Come on up,
little prince!
Up here, we hope you
to eat ... you
Bon appétit .-

This happened to me Macchi, and saved my life proque did not want to update the blog XD, many thanks linda! I nominate
1. Ruru-chan
2. Nittah
3. Arii : 3
4. Neri: D
4 things in my bag:
1. Candy
Pines 3. Pouch with everything needed to draw
4. Wallet with ID
4 favorites my room
1. My laptop speakers for music super * Q *
2. My Japanese flag and posters on my walls ~ ♥.
3. My futon: 3 (Tousen arigatou ^ ^)
4. Privacy XD
4 things that I like right now:
1. My group nihongo, w, ~ ♥
2. Cornelia Funke (Y)
3. Bears & chubbies
4. Life in general:)
4 things I always wanted to do:
1. Finish learning to play an instrument
2. Go to Japan and see a concert of Kanjani8
3. Post a full-fledged book
4. Fly: 3
4 Things You Did not Know Me:
1. Study almost two years of violin and only a few months XD
flute 2. YEARS ago I do not give a kiss or hug my brother ...
3. ... not that I do not want it XD
4. At first glance look like a quiet, innocent girl of 16 years (when I have 21 u_uU) ... until I open my mouth XD
4 songs that I can not shake of the head:
1. Ougon Soul - Shonnanokaze
2. 413man - Yokoyama Yuu
3. TOPOP - Yasuda Shota
4. Dream Express - FLOW
(click on the titles to download the songs ^ ^)
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Congratulation God Bless This Marriage
Greetings to all and have a good start to the week.
♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♥ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫

Yaoi ♥ Kimi, well deserved award for Karu-chan who always brings something new to watch ~ ♥, the prize goes to her ^ ^ and although it is not yaoi, the blog of Meribah is also special, so he deserves it too!
2 - Thank who gives it to you.
This award was given to me Mina, Yami no Katori. Thank you Linda, for this blog think about Yaoi refers to: ').
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♪ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
The following are all the sweet rewards of Meribah has given me; w; ~ ♥, thank you very much beautiful! Visit it because it has a very nice way to write and not have to miss :))).

Because I wanted to have a space in which to put everything I write, because it is very varied and I can never put it in one place.
# 2. What types of blogs you follow?
is varied. Mostly things that have to do with yaoi, yuri, manga, Japan, some daily news about the LGBT world, music ...
# 3. Got a favorite brand of makeup?
No, it really is something you do not give importance.
# 4. And clothes?
not, haha.
# 5. Your essential makeup product?
of choice, black eyeliner, I'm happy with that.
# 6. Your favorite color? Violeta
# 7. Your perfume?
Whatever comes, but I like the sweet smell.
# 8. The film that you like best?
Léon, the perfect murderer ~ ♥
# 9. Which countries would you like to know and why?
Japan, I love their culture, their language and way of life, but always has its pros and cons, but could not stop going.

thank who gave it to you: Merci beaucoup Meribah, because the prize again: 333
Say your name: Gretel ñ_ñ
Blog Name: The Dark Side
Your favorite song : Mmmm, varies, for the moment ... ~ Vincent Starry, starry night , Don McLean (beautiful song, dedicated to Vincent Van Gogh, where to get them to listen)
Why opened the blog: To put my stories.

5 Secrets Reveal that nobody or few people know. ♥
Although I like the look of sweet things, sweet things I really like
♥ When I was little I wanted to continue architecture ...
♥ ... and then nuclear
♥ Although not pretend ... Therefore, I find it hard to relate to people
♥ I like the furry and Deriba;)
These awards go to Luna, Yasmii and Mina:)
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ • ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
And this is what gave me Karu-chan: 333, thanks for that, darling! And my fics up on my blog ^ ^, visit his blog which is full of the best thing about the world: YAOI (and KakaIru ~ ♥)

Make a list of 20 things you are anger, hate, or you seem unfair! Glue the photo on your blog, thanks to whom I passed the MEME, and run to 7 members yours.
1 - discrimination.
2 - People hypocrite.
3 - People who contradict.
4 - believe that a lot.
5 - Let me wake up even one minute before that I had to wake up.
6 - Someone say it's OK to slash or yaoi, but yuri disgusts him or Femslash.
7 - The CBC XD.
8 - Let me say that I have to study something.
9 - What are superficial.
10 - say that a man has to be and a woman like that. I WANT TO BE ME.
11 - arbitrarily choose the religious right and not.
12 - Violence against animals.
13 - Unable to write everything I want and how I want.
14 - Let me u_u
15 - May speak ill of my friends.
16 - Alcoholic beverages.
17 - Cigarettes.
18 - Being so far from the people I love O_o
19 - Do not have time to see my friends.
20 - Do not find what to put here xD.
This award also goes to Meri-chan:) and Yasmin ^ ^.
the update is over, until next time! Thanks for stopping by here ^ ^
Friday, September 3, 2010
Nadine Chrissie Jansen
is sooo weird to write poetry ... so as to update often. Or maybe rarer. But hey, I'm here today with this little poem. On in writing workshop I attend, we were reading Baudelaire and a few days ago I got to read it in French. Years since I studied French, but I had no trouble reading it and loved it. This then will place it was born after reading.
Until next week!
From night
confused cries of the men who dare to enjoy the pleasure
From eating rotten meat,
That feeling, painful and last
In his, it was theirs.
death in his eyes is painted white.
Luna, white and pure semen
poets who drink of your light
To get drunk and spit the words
Strong words, words red,
of sex, love, pain, passion.
death in their mouth kisses his bile.
The stars are there in the sky,
But who care about the queen,
The bright white nipple,
Stroll evening inviting them to sin with her.
of their legs, eat your meat death.
But poets are greedy creatures Viles
confused with his words,
hypnotize and carry misfortune to the other
Those men who try to follow
About the same death holds.
are greedy, are greedy,
not only drink from the moon,
from the milk of the moon,
The semen of that moon.
Drink the poison of death opal
That which is green, green as all poisons,
And that is painted white, hairless under water, And the sweet sugar
with trying to disguise his death. Miser
That kiss to the moon and eat their meat,
White, cold and dead, including women
Those visits brothels, among coffins
Earth and worms, which are painted in your eyes
After Green Fairy, who accompanies you
Although visits to your moon, your whores
Y your words.
The poison reached his heart,
is the culprit of such greatness, such
of putrefaction. Rest
looking skyward once again,
Looking at the moon laughs at his death,
laughing at the death that eats their flesh, so blind That
kissing his bile
Now that the fairy Green killed him. *-*-*
Fée Verte refers to the name given to absinthe. Is an alcoholic beverage, green, often taken with cool water and a sugar cube. When mixed, the drink takes a whitish color. Absinthe was very popular among artists in the late nineteenth and early XX and hallucinogenic properties is granted. Currently, the ban was lifted in some places, but forbidden in others is still consumption.
Monday, August 23, 2010
6v Lead Acid Battery Charging Circuit
is the entry number 69:) sorry that the story I'll gain could not be more tender because it would throw sugar. Well, not so well, but more or less.
Author: lonely soul
Genre: General -Romance (?)
Couples -
Warnings: None
Date: August 10 '
A small, spring, she discovers that a neighbor sees it in a way that scares her. Then decide to ask help from your friends.
A particularly beautiful and warm spring, a man, a resident of there, and who used to pass by his house to go to work, began to slow at her every time he passed through the garden in which she rested while caring for the offspring of siblings. She had known him for years, but the man had never shown signs of knowing her. Whenever I crossed there, I was distracted by reading the daily papers or job security. It was one of the first days of spring, where the buds and leaves lingered still hiding in their outbreaks, one of his papers had been blown to the ground and his eyes were crossed. She, undaunted, had been swinging on the swing still green only by force the soft wind blowing this morning and he looked as if for the first time he saw between the green of the leaves and chocolate trees.
Since that day, while passing by, while his eyes searched the garden. His steps seemed to slow down when approaching the white fence that separated and only resumed his speed when he could not see it. She would have been flattered if those eyes did not cause much fear. Rather than devour it was as if to tajarla, tear it from the safety of your home and away from his brothers and family. There came a point that could take no more bear it in silence and confessed to his friend while snacking in the afternoon. Surprised and angry, a thousand times, he suggested that from that moment she would be there, watching man. The first time I saw and observed the way as obscene in his eyes ran over the body of her friend, she just might stop to run towards him. But what could I do? They were both too young and it was best to stay together. He would not dare to do anything if they were the two. But it was not.
One morning, in which they had missed by not having seen it yet, half an hour later appeared normal, without portfolio and without daily read. His hands were completely bare of any of the things we had, generally, when he went to work. That was certainly the first clue that something was wrong that morning, So both girls were kept alert to the movements of man. This did not seem to account for his friend, who had set before her to protect her. Both shaking, afraid of being separated. All I could see from behind was the blonde hair on her friend and the huge man coming toward them, with clear intentions to separate them. The man reached into his jacket pocket and his friend snorted as a warning. Pocket, almost like a threat, pulled out a pair of scissors, which he brandished in front of him for scaring the little blond guardian, but not moved an inch from where I was. Small, but not cowardly. He returned to take a step further and not time had this time to arrest his friend, who was on him. Fear paralyzed in place and his body trembled rooted to the ground while dodging small hands.
- DEMONS! Cried the man, when something is stuck in his forearm. The cry of froze, not by him but by another girl. Men's skin began to fill with red spots and it was swollen like a balloon while fleeing, terrified there, left forgotten on the floor, scissors with which she had tried to cut the rose. Faithful surrounded
bee twice pink petals of the flower before landing on her and kiss her with her small mouth stealing the sweet nectar be prepared with honey.
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Harriet I Shot Myself
fall is going to heaven, because Gretel repaints. Yes, yes. I'm still building on vacation ... for two days. A shame, but what are you going to do.
Bueeeeeno, what I bring today is a long time ago that I have wanted to raise, a part does not hang while nothing was joining me and (not much, but still there for a few days XD). This cuentote , I wrote to meet my old friend, the Noni. I could not give it to her birthday and gave it one day delay, but achieved x'D. I already told him much I love and what it means to have had the opportunity to meet you, Miss Noni. This update is totally dedicated to her. Many chuss ~ ♥ with all my love: 3.
Title: "Music for Freedom"
Author: lonely soul
Genre: General - Romance
Couples -
Warnings: None
Date: August 10 '
Aleah is a normal girl to her parents, good people, but overprotective, "I have removed much of the joys of life, such are painting and music. Has resigned to spend studying piano and graph paper in their notebooks. But there is a time when the model is not the daughter, when escaping to the record store in your neighborhood to buy. A disk, a simple poster. Anything of that band. And one day she meets Iselah, a boy with a face full of metal and music in her voice. He opens the doors of freedom for her. But she must decide how to stay.
Freedom or music?
(You can download some tracks by clicking their names: D)
M usic for freedom
“Believe in all the good things
you keep inside
There is no freedom in life
without freedom of mind .♫
Sinatra - The fire Theft.
Para mi compañera de ruta, la que me banca y she makes me laugh, mourn and rejoice, always. I love Noah!
The smell of polish came to his nostrils and stung, but not stopped liking it. It was nice to feel fresh and spicy aroma that surround it with her perfume, but she was not prone to painting your nails. Bank was his mate, and best friend who always had his nail to leveraging the most boring classes to paint. Never missing color on those nails, quite the opposite of Aleah, who preferred reading a book or draw little pictures on the edge of the leaves. He who did not like nail polish had little to do with that. Aleah loved to draw, paint and capture everything that was happening, but to their parents. And the little brush in the bottle reminded her too much to the subtlety with which he ran on the canvas synthetic bristles of your brushes, such that his uncle once gave him, "on the lectern in front of their eyes and going, stroke by stroke , the movements of your wrist. Therefore, the attitude of watching his friend, as she carefully painted each of her fingernails, was an action that could hardly be labeled with another word that was not ...
Lienne knew too well. But Aleah smiled, trying to downplay. I could not paint on large canvases, but he could always keep spending the graph paper of your folders.
"And you're a narcissist and I've never said anything, Lili.
"You just do it," said Victoria. She just shrugged and closed the folder. It was already after two and a half and the biology teacher never took so long to arrive. Stop watching the clock so that you are going to make a hole.
"But if we leave early ... "I replied almost in a prayer. Lienne not, but the teacher, so it will not submit.
- Have you got another disk more? -Aleah just nodded, not paying attention to the exasperation with which he had spoken to her friend. Her stomach had turned around to mentioning the word 'disco' and was desperate to go to buy it. He never imagined both by a fanatical band, but apparently it was possible, even to her that all she obeyed her parents, but rarely, which acted as Bandala and deviated from the route to your home to buy the singles compiled and barely hit the market. Musicians were not known, and what had come to find out, still playing in bars. They were a band more than indie rock, but she had been captivated. He had it engraved in their ears, that afternoon at the train station, on the sidewalk while waiting to board, the chords of the guitar, the flute and the singer's voice had crashed into it, crossing it with its upbeat rhythm and powerful. The letter was full force, talking about dreams and how to achieve them; of courage, a courage she never had-or have-to do what he likes and parents who oppose you dearly, but they usually were too overprotective .
"I think today will not have much luck, honey . -Aleah raised an eyebrow as he motioned his friend to turn around. Behind him, more impressive than ever, Professor Splitter waited for all pay attention to greet him and start the class. The pain she felt was due to betray his face, because Lienne patted his shoulder and smiled at him trying to comfort her.
But would that record, the same day, even if the last thing to do. Although the idea not prepared for what they dared to do that afternoon, and even while carrying out their mischief was sure of being able to finish.
-Greet your parents for me, honey. You should have told me before today had to retire early. Aleah
laughed nervously. It was the first time he lied to Mrs. prankin, and hated it, but it came out now, the music venue will close and she would run without the CD and promotional poster ... if they had not already taken.
"Sorry, ma'am prankin, I forgot for a moment. I'll give you his greetings, thank you very much.
"Be careful," said the woman, smiling from ear to ear under those thick glasses that increased small eyes tender and full of wrinkles, making it look more loving and eccentric than it already was.
"We Friday will see then. Remember to review these conjugates and the formula of the functions, you will see that there will come a point where you even be fun.
"Only you can look funny lady prankin" was what he thought, but he did not say aloud.
The parting was not reached much more, however Aleah made sure every second lost walking back as fast as his legs would allow. Wearing a poncho under the ton of clothes I had and added to his short stature and body sponge, people who saw it probably could imagine spending a huge snowball rolling down a frozen sidewalk. Sure did cold, but under so many clothes and jogging, I was starting to sweat and drops streaming down his face burned with so cold they were. Come to think, one could almost say it was a miracle that her parents left home alone again, though in winter used to be dark for the time you said goodbye to Mrs. prankin. I was already fifteen and sometimes he was ashamed of his parents' overprotective attitude. If they were ill and mistreated could perhaps say something, but they were good and if cared so much was because they wanted to. Neither was as if they had forbidden him to listen to this band, but it was also true that they did not like to listen to rock. They were idea that the "excuse of music" would lead down the wrong path and if he was aware that each time the band took out something new, she escaped literally to buy them, the assumptions of their parents were not so wrong. The difference was that she ran away because they did not like the rock, and not because Aleah would disobey their parents and feel rebellious. If there was some reason for quiet getaways, was not giving a dislike to them.
"If you do not know, do not have to worry about, right?" Was repeated for the tenth time as the second block was run. The courage of that day had arrived half an hour before the end of the tutorial, and the music store was about fifteen blocks from where he took leave of Mrs. Pankrin, further away from home. Fell a little glove that covered his hand and wrist, and watched from the fumes it gave off his mouth open as the clock dangerously she laughed with her needle touching the number ten. Ten had been too many minutes had been retained at the door by the endless chatter of the chattering women. "I can still do it. Fifteen minutes round trip. And I hope I do not retain much in the record store "
Inside wished that there were no customers inside the premises, nor had taken the poster. It would be the first to dare to ask. The worst thing would be that it was not, but that had already ordered and was there, but reserved for another person more fortunate than her. Lienne had told him several times, that sort of thing needed to be reserved ahead of time and more if that was the only record store in the neighborhood. Aleah not know how many fans the band would have in that area, but there was one would be enough to see his wish truncated.
How many blocks had run? I had not counted and only if he remembered if he had stood on street corners to watch both ways before crossing, he saw the huge neon sign announcing to the record store for more than one block. Did not dare to look back the clock for fear of seeing it had taken over the account and the minutes and accounts had gone to hell. But had paid no attention as he went over there, nothing claimed not find death under the wheels of a car without being able to hear the blessed CD. Jerked his head at the stupidity of their thoughts ... it was a piece of plastic! I could not believe how much a couple of songs could influence their behavior. Moreover, I was sure to talk quietly with their parents they do not bother or worry because she listened to that band. The lyrics were too precious and promising to remove any bias. But ...
began to walk slowly being only half block from his long-awaited music CD. How many times had acted like then? How many lies are piling up in the plush fuzz? Probably the same as join the singles and compiled that lay within him. When he touched the frozen bar the door he realized that there was no turning back. One day their parents confess the lies, but would not be today or tomorrow.
"Good night, greeted at the door. Your skin is clouded in a mist as warm as the atmosphere inside the place. The darkness wielding the sidewalk at night was slowly approaching the corner, bathed in artificial light in there, from neon tubes and hundreds of albums neatly separated into sections on each shelf. I had not noticed the agitation with which breathed until the door closed overshadowing the street noises. Did not dare to raise their gloved hands to check the status of her braids, red hair. Her freckles and red as his cheeks as the goshawk and the run. While caught his breath he wondered what would cause that no one had answered his greeting. It was true that very often was not there, but the owner had always been someone very kind to her, as with all clients. He directed his gaze to the desk and found it empty. While his attention was short on that fact, when his eye was taken by a paper taped to the wall. The background was yellow and was covered with red lines that were the center of the paper out leaving what looked like a star covered by four people. At the foot of them had a word written in white and the red border highlight of the fund and said "FREE." Poster was blessed, blessed the CD, which, now that I was so close, I was sure would not mind an accident around the corner. That, if I had the opportunity to experience the enjoyment of their arrangements and harmonies before. Demons
was crazy.
"Good evening.
The voice startled her side and nearly collides with one of the shelves on which were the words "Country Music." With gloves and all, and though nothing had happened, brought his hands up the disks as a fairly late in his body to the shock received. Flushed through and through after such a pathetic performance, tried to smile normally sought to forget the surprise, and above all things, her clumsiness. The scare had been such, had not noticed that the voice that had greeted her was not the kind of man who always got in your business. His shame was doubled by the appearance after a side door, a young man who hardly had to move from the twenty-five years. His look, being in the place that was accusing the type of music might like, with his black hair slicked back and stayed on top because they were not very long. I had a couple of piercings left ear and one on the right as well as one on the eyebrow. Had said, in his little education about musical styles, it was punk, but had seen the shirt he was wearing and which made it seem that the poster was little in comparison.
'I want a shirt like that! "He exclaimed in his mind. And the next thing he thought that it was very bad luck. Why did the clothesline to like the same band as her? But as I said his father, "Lost for lost ..." Aleah not remember how the phrase went, but no matter. Strengthened their hands on the strap of his backpack and walked toward the counter.
"Good afternoon," he repeated, "I had come for the latest CD" Around the World "Free ... and ask if it was possible to order the poster. - To what extent was rude to speak without looking at your face? But he was very embarrassed. The only question that was saved was where he got his shirt. He turned to see where was the boy and saw him crouched in one of the many shelves behind him.
-The CD ... here it is, "he said taking one of many in line and as he walked toward her to give it, he continued: - the poster already booked, Aleah felt that if the disc does not care as much as usual, have been able to escape from their hands to hear him say that, "but I can ask for you.
- ... Eh? He blinked several times, the boy, who wore a head at least, removing smiled seriously at that face covered with metal.
"I can see if any have been left in the tank. I can not promise to be this week, but if you come next Wednesday ...
- Really!? She asked, too happy. Sometimes the girl of fifteen who was under that layer surfaced that his shyness would be emulated on it.
"I can not promise anything, but I'll try. All for a more fan-Aleah blushed, but smiled gratefully, "you could leave your name and your phone to alert you if I know something of the poster before Wednesday.
The embarrassment was erased at once. I could not leave his phone without his parents found out that was there. And I had no cell, he had promised to have one for her birthday and was a month away yet.
- I can leave you a phone? I'm not much in my home ... "His voice choked out, but the boy did not ask anything else that was much appreciated.
"Sure, of course, expected to take paper and pencil to write it down. "He was lost behind the counter and once with paper in hand, Aleah gave him the number. Your name?
-A taste Aleah, my name is Iselah. "Your parents must be as creative as yours as names. What led her to want to be more permissive in their tastes, but for them would not draw anything. They wanted the best for her and yet ... "I'll do best to let you know as soon as possible.
Thanks very much.
paid in silence enjoying the weight purchase the CD on his hands, said goodbye to the boy and far from lost in reverie, the idea of \u200b\u200blistening to the album just got home, he wondered how he tell your friend who gave him his cell phone to a stranger.
- • -
- That you did, why? He shouted in disbelief. Okay, the reaction was expected, now the topic was to explain.
I gave him your cell phone while in charge of the music store.
- Did you give my number to a complete stranger? -Was the third time that should settle the question of his friend, Lienne, and the third in which she wondered the same thing, but it seemed not entered. In part this was understandable.
... It's not a complete stranger, even that he could refute, but if said it sure would be angry over, "did not seem bad boy, and he looked pretty decent, tried to find some other good quality, but could not think of any. In the end, was that it was a complete stranger. However, her friend's face brightened.
- Chico? Was not that was an old man?
- Hey! I told you not call him old man shrugged his friend waving in the air and rolled her eyes Aleah. Yes, yes, but yesterday there was a boy attending.
- How old you gave this guy ? -Lienne seemed to have forgotten I was angry with her and Aleah did not know whether to rejoice or exasperated. He just went along, looking to see where all this took her.
"Twenty-five, maybe less.
"Things change and if so, Aleah, you should have told me before, it almost seemed happy while watching the screen of your phone. Aleah grimaced but did not betray in any way dissatisfied. Her friends did not understand when they told him that she liked older guys. Nor is it as if she is too excited to go out with someone his age, with the excuses of people who were neither children nor adults. She did not know where fit into that line, but love was not something that worry. "Maturity or innocence? Impossible to know.
Iselah He calls, "he said, to let the other know who he was when he received the call or message. "And it was nice ', had to admit to himself. He refused to tell you more flight Lienne and his head or ideas that could be machined by she who told him. If you contact you, call me, do not think my parents suspected anything like that. And do not say anything unusual, that does not know what the number is not mine, Lili.
Lienne eyes narrowed.
"You did it on purpose. -Aleah snorted.
-Stop looking for conspiracies, Li, do you think you could tell it was not my cel? And acted too weird in front of him as to leave you with more madness, her friend did not look too convinced, but let it go.
And so it was that on Saturday, while reviewing the math homework that the teacher had left, her mother struck twice on his door and she let her pass. "You
phone. Lili, his mother is worshiped Lienne another reason why no suspicion on his call. The woman handed him the cordless phone, it still did not have one in her room and said: - Tell him not long ago coming to dinner, and we are already missing playing Scrabble with it.
"I tell you, and saves me from the torment she cried, overacting her horror. A Aleah did not like that game, but his friends did. His mother laughed as he closed the door. At least I had some privacy.
"Guess who just sent me a message?"
"Hello, Lienne, too, am glad to talk to you, what if I had a good day? Oh, yes, but now I'm doing ...
"Ya, ya" snorted her friend over the phone ", I thought you wore with despair, you too were going to skip your greeting, dear."
time"Well no ... , The line went dead and resigned to continue: - what you wrote? "The phone exploded in laughter.
"I do not fool me " he said, sighing, as he tried to recover the lost oxygen. Aleah said nothing. "Quiet Aleah, Li is doing you a favor, not the goat", he said. And his patience was rewarded. "I have sent a message, just-recently, saying that on Monday morning, a friend had the poster, "I thought I heard through the tube as if her friend was pressing the buttons on the phone. "Fortunately, sent a message, can you imagine what would have happened if not you attended and which I answered? "Aleah had not thought but breathed. Had not called.
- So you've already answered? He asked with some trepidation, and sighed again when her friend said no. Say thanks and try to pass as quickly as possible.
"And when is it, genius? Will you try to lie back to your tutor? "
-Ya ... I'll think of something.
But it was not. Yes, Lienne was right about one thing: do not dare to lie back to Mrs. Pankrin. Instead, it felt strange sacrifice twenty minutes of class piano to escape in search of that poster now so desired. Jeanne, the piano teacher, had no problems but it must have felt like Aleah when it dismissed earlier than usual. Teacher and students knew how much he loved music and was unwilling to miss even one of his classes. As he began to walk towards the room, with the sun at your back beginning to hide behind the orange roofs for its bright liquid, recalled the time that was even a slight fever. Those times had insisted in going to their parents were unable to do anything to stop it. Urgent tasks and examinations; nothing away from his passion for the instrument. The music and the piano were the only things that kept her rope when spent much time before I could draw. For her it was a mystery as her parents had left to start piano lessons, but he thought we were quite convinced that would never occur to try to live it, music. In that sense, knew quite well. Aleah did not get along with the crowds, so the draw was his profession preferred, doing what he liked and hiding behind, and showing through-the colors of his palette.
"Good afternoon," he said, backed by the sun was still there, hanging in the shadows of things, like not wanting to leave. This time Iselah was at the counter, helping another boy with a backpack on paintings. He heard a soft "good afternoon" in response and look to the box, he looked up and smiled at her before going back looking for the customer. Taking advantage of these free seconds, Aleah went round about the shop. Sometimes I felt I was in a bubble as it related to music, or at least with respect to the rock. Many of the names of the bands that were there even sounded. Some others had much higher thanks to Lienne.
"By God!" Suddenly thought "why not ask her to come and get me the CD ... or poster?" Although her friend was no fool, and slow many times, like now - was herself. Lili should not say anything to escape the message. What a good friend. He sighed.
- Nothing interesting? The voice had come so close that he had no time to panic. At his side, like a ghost, Iselah smiled. Looked to the same records that she had been looking around until it was lost in thought.
gently shook his head and smiled back.
I do not know if there's nothing interesting or do not know any of these bands. Although good, this is true, his cheeks, much warmer than the previous visit, were stained with shame. Iselah whistled.
- Do not know any band? He asked, somewhat incredulous.
"No, well, yes, but I have heard," he laughed. In my house are a bit reluctant to rock ... I would almost say to music in general. Or art, "the boy raised an eyebrow, not understanding anything of what he was saying. Sorry, I'm saying a lot of nonsense.
"No, that's fine," he replied. You should not be the only one with parents as well. You come by the poster. "He said after a pause, and Aleah nodded.
"Yes, yes, sorry it did not come yesterday, but I was ... impossible.
"Okay, you have no reason to apologize. Come, I have it on the counter.
From a distance his eyes turned to the little bar that served as counter and on which, the right side, was the cash register. Beside the huge machine was a small plastic bag. Iselah he left her to go look and handed in his hand. Aleah did not know if I could open it or not, and was dying to do it and that she was sure it was known that memory image.
"Open it if you want, you want to do is shout. Aleah
did not pray, nor bothered to know that his face was as easy to read. I thought that was common, there are certain things people can not hide from anyone, especially if they were things they liked. It was like Lienne and glazes was also an artist, but an artist who liked to use the human body canvas. If you you gave a piece of paper, do not know what to do, but do not offer a guinea were to change you from head to toe. The result was not bad, but the change if it was enough ... radical.
poster pulled the bag and then carefully removed the paper cylinder that rolled up. Just saw the great blade loose unrolled one and was afraid to wrinkle but Iselah hands helped her to keep straight in the air. The red streaks coming out of the central star shone ominously on the faces of the four members of the band and the word Free had never been closer as now. Free , free ... Freedom ... freedom.
"I love music, but your parents, no-no was a question, but nodded Aleah while observing the eyes printed on laminated paper.
- How much is this? He asked, after a cough. For a moment he thought his throat had closed with emotion. The poster was shaking in his hands and was difficult to hide as she watched him waving in front of her. With clumsy hands I was rolling again without daring to look at the boy. His face had betrayed too much of your happiness. However, the seconds elapsed and Iselah not answer your question. For when lifted face, the boy was staring at "something wrong?
"You like the music, but do not know much about it ... rock band and that-he wielded and raised an eyebrow Aleah not understand why I had to do that with the payment by the poster.
-Ajah, "she said, again nodding his head.
- ... and I need someone to help me with the store. Freedom
... I could almost feel it in your fingers.
That day he came home five minutes later than usual, but nobody put it in needed nor cared about others. Aleah asked in his head with a thousand other questions that swarmed there, if it had been able to tell if they were scolding, or would instead wrapped in the nebula that these words had caused in her. As I walked down the aisle, he noticed he still had the poster in his hands, but did not hide it. The boy's words had opened the head and out there ideas, questions, answers, joys and fears. She, who had accepted almost immediately, had told him half what it was the subject of his parents, who did not want to listen to the music and did not want to waste time on things that would not give to live. He also said they were unaware of his trips to buy the albums by his band, also told how he met, and I hated lying.
"If they knew that the lyrics of this band are what keep me out when I feel bad ... they are so different from what they think" , had told him, pleading with the air, as if it a psychologist was able to fix their problems. Iselah was not, either, but gave a solution a long time which was slipping.
"And why not are the samples? Why do not you tell the truth? So tell me, are not bad parents ... perhaps a little strict, but you said it yourself: they want your good " had responded. "Go, try it and if you're still willing, the job is yours. Do not drown in a glass of water, Aleah. "
not sweat the small glass of water.
So said one of the band's lyrics "Around the World" and one of the first songs I could listen to them. "It was much that escaped answers already knew? She was free inside, like that song that said: "Believe in all the good things you keep inside you. There is no freedom in life, if there is no freedom in mind. " b34; And she believed in those things. Still believed in painting, but sometimes had to settle for painting in your dreams, or with eyelids closed. She was free when he hummed to himself the melodies of your favorite band. And she wanted to be free to know more bands, to paint, not knowing if he would win the bread with his pictures, but to try at least. And the first step was now.
"Dad, Mom, I have something to say ...
"... let's walk into the sunshine.
Everybody Got Something
That They Want to sing about,
Laugh about, cry about ... "
The stations went by, as the days that fell one to one of the calendar of life. The sky above her, above all walking down the street, was of a heavenly rather special. If I had to create it in your palette would wear a turquoise blue, I put a tip of cyan and a drop in white, and did not mingle much, let the paint brush and play on the canvas, as the clouds above him. The autumn had passed, the wind had swept the leaves and their months, and spring as a cocoon that gets its way in life, had flourished, withered and watered the seeds warm for summer was coming. He had served sixteen and ending the first year of high school. The students who have yet to pay any compensation review continued attending classes for support, while the others were already enjoying their holiday.
Every year since I knew the lady prankin, had dismissed her with a bouquet of flowers, wishing a very good week break until the semester to start again. Nor would go to Jeanne's house for a month, as usual in every school break. Not that he liked the idea, but had to resign. They all deserved a vacation, more beautiful than it appears to be his work.
Did they ever these days, it seems like everyone else, but know that something is different, though you can not understand why? Aleah was happening to him that for a couple of months to have that feeling that every street, every tree and every stranger with whom he passed had not changed, remained the same, but they had something different, his own touch of cyan. It was like being immersed in one of the songs from Around the World, one of those he loved. Perhaps one of his latest album 'FREE'.
freedom Were they in color? And would it have it cyan?
- Good! -Greeted at the door. The warm atmosphere which had received long ago, in winter, it was now cool and dry, waiting for the hottest summer days, which were already just around the corner. There were a couple of clients, some of which already were known to them. However, they all turned towards her to greet her, something curious about the good humor he brought up.
"Good-Health, Iselah, either across the counter. His co-worker. And there were many developments that followed from that one sentence, for her, which her parents had never stopped working, saying that it should take no more of their studies. Now working and earning their own money, which made her very happy. He worked in a place he liked and which gradually had become his refuge. It was as if they were paying to be happy. A bargain. Eah, where did you get that shirt?
- Huh? -Aleah looked down and finally understood what he meant his friend. Had forgotten that he had taken. The ... I made it, "he said. He wore a white shirt in front of her was painted in pastel colors and asymmetrical waves above them a star, red. With handwriting, and some exploited, as if written in trouble, had written inside 'Music for freedom. " When he started to make the shirt, with all the colors and materials that were bought with his own money, "I wanted to make a shirt with the theme the last album Around the World , but while listening, and not hidden, and without headphones, "the improvisation bee had stung. But I felt that those words in his shirt were quite right, at least in your case.
- What happened with that contest? Have you told your parents? "The question the head right off and the air seemed to lose a little of that bit of cyan that brought since he left home that morning.
"I have not said anything. I do not know if I want to participate.
"You come here with that shirt spectacular, what you say you're going to dismiss this opportunity? -Aleah did not know that answer. "I was sure of not wanting to participate?
Those who prove victorious win a trip to the museum Britti, where he held the awards ceremony and which would also exhibited paintings and other works of different disciplines until next year's winners were decided. But the juiciest was not that trip to the other side of the country, the technology center and music ... where now file their musical heroes. It was juicy scholarship to study art there. Far, far away from where I lived, of his friends, his parents ...
- Leah? -La called.
... and Iselah.
LienneHer friend had obtained the data from that contest, organized by the same people who carried out another contest, but in this case, makeup and hair, which is what interested her. At first the idea had excited, also had the winning idea that could leave the two together, "Lili told him that until he was ready to leave but did not win because the best schools were there. But while telling Iselah bases and limits, their excitement began to falter. So much so that he did not dare not to tell their parents. "Overall, for what? But was thinking of.
"I will not show up," he said, not wanting to look into his eyes.
-Leah-again call with that nickname he had given her. The people around him had begun to call it, but not the same, there was another music in the air when he was the one who said. The first times I spoke with him, I had not noticed, but Iselah had a beautiful voice and particular, was low and raspy, unexpected for such a young person like him, who was in the twenty-four, and acute when they needed songs well. Iselah attending his grandfather's shop, the man who had known Aleah before him-but his real passion was music. No sale, and not just listen. He loved singing, playing guitar and creating lyrics for the melodies he invented. Devote himself to it, it was a dream that by the time I was putting off until you know what to do with that place. His grandfather had decided to go travel the world with his grandmother and had left in charge because he knew he would take care and love that store so much like him. And in part it was true. Apparently these four walls had seen him grow up, get excited about music, discovering love, his first poems. He had many memories there that kept him up to it and place. And he transmitting all these feelings in each new band and style that made him known. Some did not even like, but he wanted to show all that existed, that is steeped in it. He soon discovered that he liked the same things as him, and yes, the first impression was correct: he loved so much like her to " Arounders" , as his fans have nicknamed members. Iselah loved music, and she. She also loved him.
- What you've been bitten? Asked the young man would not see that answer. Aleah
frowned, beginning to sulk and did not know why.
I do not want to go ... if we won, "he added, it was not his intention to appear pretentious," I have my life here, my parents, my friends, stopped before saying something I wanted to escape his mouth, and Instead, he went on a truth: - All.
"But your whole also is drawing, Aleah, do you think you let go?
"I can keep painting here and I have to move thousands of miles to do it," his voice rose a bit in tone and had to calm down before continuing. Now I can do it with more freedom than before.
- But no is the same as drawing on the leaves of your notebooks? You get to live on what you like, was not that what you wanted? Your chance is there in the capital, not here.
- And you, Iselah? "His question was out of his mouth and spat out angrily. The fault was not the boy, but she hurt he will not mind if she decided to leave. And your dream of having a band?
had been a low blow, but pride and anger was not allowed to retract. Iselah eyes were sawed.
"It's different," said Dry, but not his voice strange metal and frightened her.
- What is different? You are here among thousands of records, where would you all for having one of your authorship. What's stopping you?
"Life. Now it is giving you the opportunity to you and you're giving away so blatantly.
Aleah cheeks lit, and was about to mourn. Back felt rejection, accompanied this time of remorse for having said things that hurt and secure the truth of which always escaped. Iselah sighed, closing his eyes to calm down, and when he opened smiled softly.
- Why do not want to go? "He asked again, gently. Both had forgotten everything: customers, the store, whether the earth revolved around the sun or if it was upside down. Fully resigned imaginary wiping the tears ran down his cheek, he replied: "There
no music.
- Music? ... What no music? It is the cradle of music, Leah-Iselah had not understood what he meant, which made her smile sadly. He shook his head.
"Never mind. Today I'll come home early. I have to warn my parents of the competition and prepare a table.
From that day, the time it went to the store when he was dropped and was distracted. At least that's the Iselah noted. Minutes and minutes passed without either of the two spoke, when before, or serving a customer could keep quiet. Several times he asked if anything happened, but she was smiling, saying everything was fine, nothing else was thinking about your picture. For the few words he knew he could get had already begun, he had a small sketch to be proportionate with annotations and colors you want to use. The theme of the contest was quite free, but had to paint on a subject they like it, show it from its vision using metaphors, tools were those that were within their reach or to best be handled. Had tried to pry what was the issue that was painted or even what he was using to paint, but she said it was a secret, you already know it.
The deadline was approaching dangerously, had until the day July 10, and Aleah had begun to paint in the middle of June. The month I was coming to an end and she still did not understand what he was missing to finish it. Had copied almost everything I had imagined in his sketch. I looked at the small paper and your table and looked the same, but the two slightly lacked. There was a face in profile, mouth open and she came words, the face seemed to acknowledge the tremendous effort in his gesture, but the words coming out of his mouth were spelled with crisp and delicate, as if the voice was singing the with smooth, controlled tone. The blue background united face with a lot of color spots in which other words were lost, words and notes, and staff are entangled with them and took them as dragging them to a guitar, which from the top and contrary, it seemed be watching the boy on the web cast. The music was the only thing that was at the level of painting in his life, and wanted to show it, show what it meant to her music, showing the goddess who so admired, through paintings, through piano lessons. And he had taken as a model Iselah, but could not tell, did not dare. What would he think if he knew? Had not even noticed the way she looked at him every day, partly because of his work, partly because he could not help. Yes came to win and go from there, the only thing that would be to remember that love, the thought was to get rid as far enough away from him was that picture. And although he had turned all his feelings on it, it seemed that he could not show it. What was missing?
- What do you need? What? Aleah asked himself, clenching his fists, and in them the brush and palette. Had tried to show the commitment and effort of musicians to achieve harmony and how it would always be subject to the music, art that was left by the Greeks in the hands of Euterpe and Terpsichore, muse that had always inspired to paint over that the piano.
What if your feelings were missing there? What if music was not only that, but also the thousands of people who were moved with her? Is not missing them, the audience that the music coming? They were important and could not be forgotten, and where to put it?
He left the table. Man, guitar and staves covered the entire width of the fabric. I could not put aside the metaphor of the singer, because rather than public, it seems a group of singers. And under the music either because it would put a man on the same level and age.
A new song began to sound in the player and the idea came to her mind like lightning. Music and age were not the same, but while a singer sang for him and for the music, singing to the public, for that force that was able to sing, to produce most beautiful songs, stronger, more emotional. What is wanted? Thrill.
took a bottle of cyan and white and create a new color in his palette. Emotion, his guitar was excited. And tears is missing there.
tweak it finished eating the last days that remained before the closing date was announced. Her father accompanied her to personally deliver the painting to the museum that was responsible for making the reception in the small town. The tube in which the canvas had escaped from his hands to a nice lady who thanked him for his participation and that was it.
The results would be the end of July and a group of four people would select the works, by location and then would send Britti where the final selection will take place.
Aleah was nervous, yet delivered. If it was not selected, things would pretty rare to Iselah more rare than they already are. I was sure he was thinking that the way in which he was addressing was in the competition and uncontrollable nerves. Uncontrollable were his nerves, yes, but not because of the competition.
And if he won? If I won and had to go far away ... away from your music? Far in pursuit of his dream, but far from all that made sense to her. "That would do?
And the day came. The letter was deposited in the mail between light tickets and other advertisements. His mother had picked up the mail like every morning and there was the letter. Aleah had gone out shopping and when she returned, her father and her mother waited in the kitchen. The white envelope was sober on the tablecloth with red stripes and brighter than ever clean tile walls. And before the guided his steps to the letter, the phone rang. Aleah and her mother jumped and his father was the only one who responded and answered the phone.
- Hello? "Came the booming voice of his father in the room.
When silence came to be the norm in the environment, the man turned around and looked, first at her and then her mother.
-called to confirm, just in case that the letter had been lost. I have been told the result.
was Saturday and the street was pretty quiet. Advantage that no one in the room had dropped the music and had brought the guitar from under the bar. Adjusted the ropes in his notes and started ripping. A cost Iselah start with the rhythm, but once taken up began to stroke the chords of that old song his own, which had no name and never finished. Was one of those "children" of his, he did not know why although it is never finished songs were returning to their memory. Did not even need to remember the score. Aleah thought as he looked toward the door. The gray wisps of fluff floating against the light danced in the air accompanied by the sound of the guitar naked. Very deep, the music player was struck, soft. What would walk by? The nerves and slowly ate away, had been handing over to him.
At least he thought he saw her enter the premises, with the head down, and even welcomed, something very strange in it. Yes, things had been rare since the argument they had had before she decided to enter the contest, but always greeted and unless he has to do with details of the work, she answered anything he asked. It was not the girl in the world with more slick, but responded.
"Good, Leah, it seems that you have not finished out of bed, tried to make her laugh, but she kept walking toward the counter, without looking, without looking at anything around like a robot. The place was empty at that hour of the morning. The first curious began to fall at about eleven, eleven and a half. I had not noticed, but Aleah had arrived a little late that day. Did something happen?
"I'm going," he said, as if that he could understand everything that was wrong. He had returned to dodge the eyes. This morning was the result, I chose. So I'm going.
Iselah tried to process these last words spoken to speed on the voice too sharp and almost hollow of his co-worker. Guitar supported on wooden desk and finally understood what I wanted to say.
"That's ... great!, You did it, Aleah! She tried to give it more joy in his voice, but the surprise dominated their thoughts and more to what I could not name it.
"I'm going, you understand, right? I'm going. Far from here, my family, my friends ...
"But you come to visit, it's not as if I come back to see, not what you said you wanted to go Lienne?
Iselah was in the air the scent of conflict that had once surrounded the day that everything changed. Aleah, just then deigned to look at him and blame she saw there could not be confused with any other sentiment.
- And you? Le he asked.
- What about me? I will also be waiting here, "he smiled, hoping that would relieve the minds but the eyes of the girl, her reproach, became magnifiers behind the tears that were still retained between the flanges.
"Just came to leave this, and thank you for all you did for me. Without you, and you can not imagine how much, could not have made this dream. -Aleah handed him a slip of paper with an address. Have placed a photographic reproduction of the painting in the museum. If you want to understand me, go there. Goodbye.
Aleah, who had long not smiling, tipped the corners of his mouth for him, before kissing him on the cheek.
And in a blink of an eye was gone.
The thing had taken so by surprise, who spent hours until it was decided to heed the direction of the paper. Did not remember been so busy on a Saturday in local disk and wondered if it was not his anxiety that he was playing a trick. After greeting the last customer that was inside the music store, it was decided to close early, take a ride on the same day to the museum before it closed its doors.
took the motorcycle to the garage, that they did not use much and trying to the nerves do not dominate their driving is headed that way. It was five-twenty-five and the museum closed promptly at six. The motorcycle trip up there was faster than he thought and he dreaded the idea of \u200b\u200bhaving been driving recklessly. The steps, large, cold and white, adorned the entrance to the art museum of the city, were loaded in pairs for him and before coming to the reporting and was wondering where were the reproductions of the winners. As they approached, the pace was slowing. From a distance could recognize Aleah paint, because he knew more than she thought. But also less. The
silhouette of the face became more and more familiar to him, until a few meters is being recognized on synthetic canvas. It was he, of pastel, blue, notes and words. Even the guitar a cascade falling too pale and bright, was easily recognizable as his. It was he, and his world. The world into which he had turned his back.
Iselah knew nothing about art, was beyond their comprehension. The criticism I could do was generally "pretty" "ugly" "more or less." "I liked 'or' I did not like." But this time he strove to find the hidden meaning of that work. Aleah had put his thoughts there, hoping he could understand.
Could understand the heart before the mind?
did not know. But on guitar, Iselah saw the eyes of Aleah. And she wept for him. He was guilty of those imaginary tears now planted for eternity on that canvas.
And it was too late? No.
- Aleah! Aleah! The voice that came as called from a dream. She did not know if I wanted to turn and see it. It was a hand on his shoulder, forcing him to do so.
- What are you doing here? He asked.
- Do not tell me to go and see your work to understand you? I'm not the smartest person in the world when it comes to art, but I did not let go-Iselah his shoulder. Slowly, his hand was falling to take his. And you have to wait.
- What?
"Wait two years, you are still small, and I am an old man had begun to talk fast and into a monologue under the astonished eyes of Aleah it looked as if out of a dream, it will remain in two years but at least it will not be a crime. Fulfill your dream for me. I promise I will do something for mine too. Do not take it as a farewell or as they want you to go ... do you understand how important this is for you? I think that there is only something that will make you more peaceful marches.
-¿... And what is that?
"I love you.
"...' cause now I only see my dreams
In Everything I touch. "
«¡... Stadium Britti gone! Broadcasting live from the place where moments will present the most acclaimed band in recent months! "
" That's Mark! In moments will be announced the faces of the five members who have remained in obscurity since its formation! "
" Do not forget to remind your friends who could not attend this is being broadcast on radio y. .. "
Voices drivers came to their ears in a distant, distorted by the small speakers of the radio. Aleah had his old notebook on your lap and outlined in it, the colorful bouquet of roses in the vase that was right in front of her. There was a card with a "Congratulations" written. It was not the only thing on the table, although she was not paying attention to other things. In what should be a brown paper wrapper, was an album of music, with its box and on the cover that looked a reproduction of what had been their bridge connector between it and the paint. Between her and Iselah. They cut the original design, giving more emphasis the face of the singer. The guitar only saw the base, from which tears were falling as a stream to the bottom edge. Everything had been supervised by her and had even commissioned to create the font with which you wrote the name of the band, alleging that he had written on his shirt was more than three years. "Music for Freedom" was the name and album title had put Iselah. He had looked into my eyes and had sung the chorus of the song he loved. "It's you."
Someone knocked on the door and entered his room without waiting for her reply. However, she did not stop continued outlining his pencil and paper roses on a meticulously. The other person was watching the same intensity she used to capture the details of the fresh petals on stems. Not even flinch when someone leaned on his back and put her head on his shoulder. Just smiled.
- Are you ready? Asked a deep voice raspy. That he sang 'It's you, it's you, it's you, for me it's you. "
-Tanlist as may be about to stand before thousands of people.
"Oh, come on, baby is a baby step, one more.
-In a giant, perhaps. Know I do not like crowds ... I do not know how you could convince me this, she turned to see the face of your partner, enjoying the tickle of his beard against her neck, "too late to cancel?
Iselah laughed and kissed him before leaving.
"You're crazy, Leah, we'll play at the stadium Britti! Where they finished Arounders to fame. Do not want to fulfill this dream?
"It's yours, not mine," he grumbled.
"But it was you, who said that the World Around it lacked a keyboard ... was almost as offered to play with us. And it was the touch that was missing, she leaned over to get the pen and notebook and took her hand. Come on.
"The atmosphere is exploding in the stadium Britti! We are advising that Music for Freedom already taking their places on stage, this concert will be etched in the hearts of everyone present. The only unknown is the song that opened the night. Listen, is ...!»
The voice was lost in the chords of the guitar and bass, accompanied by the rhythmic sound of a dish made metronome. Iselah turned to her, while took advantage of the silence of his guitar. They both smiled carried away by the colors of music and began singing while Aleah Iselah humming in a low point with his fingers hitting the keys on your piano.
"Every color in the rainbow is not enough,
'cause now I see my dreams in Everything I Touch."
In Everything I feel
Verses ♪ extracted from "Sinatra" by The Fire Theft.