Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Salieri Hotel Free Watch

Forecasts for 2011 "The government wants to take over National Beer? French Classes

The title of this post is one of the guesswork that can form around the problem that crosses national beer company, because I really can not find a logical explanation for it all.

First let's look at history:

- A workers' union claims the payment of utilities from 1990 to 2005 the amount of which reaches 90 million
- A judge in the trial of childhood and adolescence welcomes the request of former employees and gives the ban on leaving the directors and officers of the Brewery . It also requests the freezing of funds of the company in any financial institution, prohibits the sale of shares and (WATCH OUT FOR THIS) PROHIBITED manufactures and markets PILSENER BEER AND CLUB.

"The judge is dumb or made?
Say the claim of former employees is fair and assume that the 90 million to be paid by the brewery is the correct amount. How the fuck is going to pay that amount if the brewery can not sell its flagship products in the month of increased consumption? How do you think, that judge, that the brewery is going to pay their workers the thirteenth and Christmas bonuses if the accounts are frozen?

Here I can only make a few guesses at tremendous stupidity

1) There is a political issue involved. It may be that the government wants to do some shit to Brewery for one of two things: take over the company and make it the first company in Ecuador's socialist (following the example of Chavez) and thereby control the production of beer and their consumers or favoring some current or future competitor Brewery (Cerveceria Polar able to get right now.)

2) Someone very powerful and not necessarily the government is behind all this. Won the argument (outstanding payments of profits), billetió to a judge and got to shake the largest brewer in the country with similar aims as those outlined in the previous point: trying to promote a competitor or just screw the Brewery.

Let's see what happens in the coming days. Perhaps the production of Conquer and come out with flavored Dorada Club Pilsener.

What if I tell you is that you hear a rumor that Sab Miller might leave the management of the brewery once you fix the problem.


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