Saturday, November 13, 2010

Blushing Surgery Cheap

It's been a month ... and "Golden Curls" - Story and poem again

Wow, spent a month-and one day since the last time I was here. The term has spread like wildfire and time I've gotten out of hand, I can not believe it! Luckily

are over the partial and the supply of TP, so hopefully that can Back to the rhythm of ups here on the blog so you do not forget me xD!

To warm up, I leave an attempted-rather detective story narrative, which I wrote with some seriousness though, me and my old friend, we are worth more than a laugh xD.

See you soon, hopefully "!

Title: "Goldilocks"
Author: lonely soul

Genre: General - police?
Couples -
Warnings: No
Date: August 10 '

found the body of a famous writer, in his bedroom. Has been strangled but the shock does not last long: the detective you know who is to blame.


The death of Mrs. Nini Koll did not take anyone by surprise. His arrogant and hypocritical attitude earned him few enemies as well of discontent that ran between those who are still counted among his friends. You could even say that her lover Efarías have been surprised when he found facedown on his bed, pale like statues guarding the entrance to his home in the mind of the city of London. His face had been covered by her hair black as a mourning cloak prepared and woven in gold, showing the terror that had accused her body at the time of his death. Cause of death: asphyxiation. The envoy of the morgue did not need to see or touch it, but under the insistent gaze of Noel michaellis, but could not finish listening to your body.

-Death by suffocation. The marks on her neck indicate that the perpetrator was behind the victim at the time of strangulation.

"The most likely occurred right there," replied the detective, approaching the victim to better see your face.

-seems the most logical. Her hands grabbed the sheets and that's how we found it. There was resistance on their part, but given the position it was, could not do much, "the detective nodded. Need to see more?

"No, I think not, it seems that the murder was not planned for what he and the killer fled without realizing he had left something on the bed.

- What? "The doctor looked puzzled at the bed, noticing for the first time a metal cigarette case.

-must have been scared when he realized what he had done and fled without noticing that in the scuffle he dropped something. If you look, you will notice that the initials do not agree either with the lady's not with Mr. Efarías. -Put the white cloth glove, Noel lifted the cigarette he was on one side of the waist of the deceased Nini Koll. He carried around his eyes to better see the letters engraved on the silver-A 'M' and a 'T' ...

A gasped incredulously through the air in the room from the door into the hallway. Doctor and detective turned their faces toward the holder of that annoying high-pitched voice and came up with Efarías, who grabbed the wrist of Mary, the best friend of Nini. The force exerted on the pale skin reddened tip of the girl, but she did not move from where I was, frozen in place after hearing those two fateful letters. Noel watched with great shame, as seen at a friend's dog being punished for his owner. The girl gave that aspect petacón people who saw her walking behind the couple Koll. More than a junkyard dog was a pet, disgustingly true. And there I was, trapped under the claw which was sole owner, his eyes wide as moons of poets nostalgic and dropped his brow as the leaves fall in autumn. Without Nini, Mary's presence faded. It was like a poisonous nettle thorns digging his hand in his gardener.

-Yo ... what is this? She tried to excuse her, not realizing all that his face was shown. But no matter the pain she was feeling now, "thought Noel, the damage was done and unfortunately, most anticipated and longed to have been the death, justice was for all alike. Or at least it tried to go Noel.

- Why did Mary? Mrs. Nini should have you very confident, if the left close enough to strangle her from behind on the bed. They discussed "working? What's new novel he had published Ms. Koll? -That, that rumor was actually you, Miss Tonnie, "what he had promised Nini? What then say that the novel was yours? And finally ...

She cut him.

- Confidence? Spat the girl, showing some of the English bravura still coursed through his veins. Suddenly, the helpless puppy and did not seem much, resembling the color of his gray eyes to the fur of the wolves lost in the snow, "trust or helpful? I was giving a massage. Might say, "Oh, what great friends they were ', but seeing it is more likely to think it was more a servant-girl lowered the tone of voice. I think that even I began to think that.

"I played the track, yes. It was a sensitive issue, the sarcasm, dancing in his tone, mingled with tears in his eyes did not escape, but were swallowed and muddy his voice. Nini did not want "to take it the wrong way."


confidentiality ... the complicity that gives the closeness you closer to her and tried to get his words sounded less hostile, whispering to his ears, am I right? "The young woman and the doctor was surprised.

"Yes, but how ...

" Very easy, miss. The color of his hair, between gray and gold, is quite remarkable, and their curls curls is probably easier than getting caught in clothing, and other things such as the hair of Mrs. Koll-gloved hand with the skill of a surgeon, removed one of the many light hair that tangled with the black of the dead, giving the appearance of being woven in gold, as he had noticed at first glance just came Noel. But she must have laughed at you. Mrs. Koll, after so many years promised to publish one of his books, published last one, but do so on your behalf. And when you ask when you will know the truth she tells him than ever.

-well you know Mrs. Koll, "replies Mary, with her tone lost in the vastness of the empty room and cold, as the owner.

"Oh, no, I only know the human heart, Miss Tonnie, I regret that you did not know know before ..." He raised his hands, unable to continue the sentence and add another brick to the charge of Mary.

"I know, but I hope not," he apologized she said. I really hoped not.


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