Thursday, December 2, 2010

Kitchen Backsplash Outlets Extend

Nebot vs Correa: girls quarrelsome

I could not start writing in this blog at a better time. The political atmosphere is heated, and what began as another claim of insecurity is becoming a bloody battle between the two most influential politicians of the day: Jaime Nebot and Rafael Correa.

The interesting thing here is that Correa does what he does best: divert attention thanks to their propaganda machine. On Saturday 27, weekly chain, a space devoted to attacking Nebot mustachioed mayor's request to repeal the provision that frees people who have been prey to a year without receiving sentence. Correa, or rather his advisers, data showed that the provision of the Constitution and coidearios Nebot wrote in 1998.

Then he sent a string of the time arrechucona (horny and bullying) to justify giving Nebot where criminals shot and then criticizing the development model of Guayaquil, to be unjust (unfair means), encouraged crime. Also stressed the repressive attitude of the municipality against informal traders infer that what he was doing the same City that fosters crime by not leaving work "honestly" to people.

Nebot sinks
only note that the Mayor is not a good team and marketing image consultant that will make them realize that it is asserting Correa cock in front of the lower middle class people pulling to groundwater.

Although I support the laws and ordinances, the following actions are prejudicial to his political position:

1) To close the premises of the dealers located in the building of the Government of Litoral
2) To close the premises sales of holiday items in certain areas of Guayaquil
3) Do not issue permits for street construction in Mount Sinai
4) According to the newsletter In Touch Ecuavisa Wednesday December 1, preventing the repair Utility luminaries overpass Luis Vernaza hospital
5) According to the same news, take a shit and bouncing pipe coming from the offices of the consortium Puerto Clean (Great irony of life!)

But between fights, this pair of bastards solve nothing and we still under siege from crime.


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