Monday, October 25, 2010

Webstar Modem Outputs

RIP (1951-2010)


fuck it, little by little they are going all! This news if I moved and so break the silence that had been keeping for some time. In these last days of October we left for just 59 years one of the most honest of reggae music, if, fuck, let the teacher! and I can not nor do I want to believe. I had the opportunity to see for the first time in the early 90's here in the old stadium in Buenos Aires and works last in late 2009 and was always a real pleasure. Just last Saturday while David went on show in Groove Hinds had something like a foreboding thought I said "bye, how many more times I will have the opportunity to listen to guys like that?" A chill ran down my body and tried to drive away the ghost ... and breakfast just me with this sad news ... Its rich history
know it all .... just leave me say this: Be well wherever you are!

Mr X


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