Friday, December 17, 2010

Jockstrap Under Wrestling Singlet

The curious diction of "Guayacosh ..."

if it's just not characteristic of us Guayaquileños or perhaps all guayasenses might even be common to the coast, but say they understand why we eat the "esses" (letter, no shit).

Actually I had not noticed and some of you either, because all we sound alike, but really the majority, if not all, are not properly pronounce the "S". I noticed that for the first time after listening to a podcast from Eduardo Arcos ALT1040 and editor of PC Magazine, a Mexican woman whose name I forget, who was ridiculed in the diction of Arcos.

then read aloud a few sentences and run and you'll realize what I'm talking about:

vinyl discs are no longer hear well.
The stadium was packed
The island was deserted
You are the person for the job

If cheated to pronounce the phrases, each one sounded like this:

Loj dijcos vinyl and not well ejcuchan
The ejtadio ejtaba to burst
The desert was Ikhlaas
Ujted is the right person for the job.

Guayacash pronunciation rule ...
From what I noticed, when there is a sound / s / between a vowel and a consonant, the Guaiac pronounce the "S" and "J". So words such as: stage, disco, was, an island, you become eJtadio, diJco, eJtaba, Ikhlaas, uJted.

addition, when speaking quickly does, these jacks are lost and seem to speak phonetically "s's eating."

This rule also applies for the letter "X" in words like exquisite, former employees, ex.

And ujted nuejtra another peculiarity of speech has been found?


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