Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Legionella Fever Relative Bradycardia

Commission reveals the truth about the alleged coup status in 30-S

After a thorough analysis of the events that took place in Ecuador on September 30, 2010, a committee of experts hired by the Office of Ecuador, came to revealing conclusions.

The President of the Republic is inflaming the minds of anyone.
both media and social networking via the Internet, has been demonized too the images of President Correa speaking to the police. What seemed to be a harangue to the assassination actually had another connotation.

The president, just that day was very hot, it was a very sunny day in Quito. So much heat had to be loosened his tie to feel more comfortable. He then turned to two aides and Emen Mata surname and said, "If I want, Mata, arm mate, Emen. "The president has recently become an avid consumer of yerba mate that her friend Cristina Fernandez sent from Argentina and simply wanted to invite you to drink herbal tea to the police to relax and to deal more calmly the impasse.

Unfortunately the police did not get the message heard and thought the president said, "If you want to kill me, kill me." And so began the whole problem.

The President if he was kidnapped
The commission ruled that doctors at the military hospital retained against his will President Correa. Medical reports show clear signs of restraint, look at the underlined phrases:

- The patient must be immobilized to prevent further damage to his recently operated knee.
- It is recommended that the president remain at rest, in-room at least 8 hours for full recovery .
- You must prevent smoothly. However, any communication receive or do in an emergency, must be addressed immediately .

conspiracy existed for a coup
The committee also reviewed all that was said about the president in the social networks that day. Filtered sentences containing words like "bitch," "bastard," "fag," "soplaverga", "Tragedy", and analyzed twitter hashtags as "# valesvergacorrea", "# correamariconhijodelasmilputas", "# muerteacorrea" and determined a high degree of people with a tendency conspiracy.

were analyzed calls from several government officials and found that some of them were reported with friends of relatives of the nephew of the sister of a concido which has connections with the Patriotic Society, a sign that everything planned Lucio Gutiérrez .

No censorship to freedom of expression
The committee wishes to make clear there was no censorship of freedom of expression as the indefinite and mandatory national chain to be forwarded to the television and radios of the country did not prevent journalists of media to express themselves freely. They could use other means such as smoke signals, telegraph, batiseñal, mobile, twitter, facebook and the like.

Final recommendations of the commission
Among the recommendations made by the committee include:

- train groups of citizens to be on constant alert to any threat against the established order. The goal is that by the end of 2011, has a national alliance akin to country within the family.
- Increase the presence of the government's image in media. To achieve this goal, every day, every fifteen minutes, a five-minute advertisement on the government will be displayed on the television and radio will be transmitted to the government praise songs performed by renowned singers and groups.
- Taxing to 69% VAT on newspapers and magazines that do not have a social order in order to democratize access to information and end the smear campaigns of the power groups entrenched in media written communication.
- Reforming the Companies Act to limit the shareholding in more than a means of communication to any person or company in Ecuador. This will prevent the monopoly of the media. Every citizen has the right to participate as a shareholder and / or administrator in one and only one type of media: magazines, newspapers, radio, television, internet.
- Asking the ISPs to all outgoing traffic is redirected by a same proxy to determine which pages are connected to the Ecuadorians and identify conspirators time regime.

Finally, do not believe all the garbage you just read. It's just a joke and none of this is real. It was not even written by me but by another person who also has access to this site.


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