Friday, November 19, 2010

Aspertame Withdrawl - Palpitations

God is a DJ - Story [One-shot]

At the request of my fiancee;) 'God is a DJ' does blog entry. It's kind of songfic, so I recommend if you want, listen to songs that is composed and wrote the story. Enjoy it ~

Title: "God is a DJ"
Author: lonely soul

Genre: General - Romance? / Songfic?
Couples -
Warnings: No
Date: November 1910 '

Al Petit Prince likes to get lost in the sounds of music to forget, forget all those men that promise to give her the stars and disappear to the other morning. And the DJ, as God Almighty in this place knows what to give, more than Luc suspicion.

For tonight, God is a DJ.

songs to download:

God is a DJ - Faithless
Martyr - Depeche Mode
Freelove - Depeche Mode

God is a DJ

"The poetic justice of cause and effect
Respect, love, compassion.

This is my church This is where i heal my hurts.

For tonight God is a DJ. "


Smoke, darkness, light color and fragrance in the air that invites the sin. And hot, very hot soon transpires in a damp clothes sticking to the skin and releases the filament glows under local. This is your first thought Luc each time you hit your favorite record search not a partner but the music.

True is not hard to miss when you enter this little world of banalities and music that explodes in your ears until you were deaf, and yet her body always knows where to go and others also seem to know where to find it. And he loves, because out of doors can be a nobody, but when there is the prince of the kingdom. This is demonstrated by the looks that stick to it and walk every curve of her slender body. Her blond hair dyed pale almost to the small beads of sweat off every time his face turning jumps back and forth to the beat of the music, her eyes following the receipt of your eyelids are a chocolate sweetness that only increases a face that despite his age does not lose the roundness characteristic of childhood. Le petit prince have dubbed and the name stuck like a glove. And he loves it.

Moving like a fish in water is in the middle of the dance floor while gyrate their hips to punch . Luc loves music as much as he loves to dance and be carried away by the heat of all those bodies crammed in nights like this are no longer individual entities to become one. A dough that does not need to think about anything or anyone. And that above all things. Luc frowned but did not stop dancing. Just remember just what came to mind today. Lost another couple after a night of great sex. As good as the music reverberates throughout your body and makes your heart vibrate, perhaps strong enough so that it becomes detached sadness. Yes .. I could feel her legs up clad in jeans, clutching his stomach and died in her throat with each syllable of the song. There was no better drug than that, no sir. Raised his arms while the hips wiggle and vibrate like a taut violin string in a beautiful vibrato . Ah, yes ...

And sorry. On her bare neck glossy with sweat, the warmth of a language that runs invisible skin with a warm breath. Luc keeps her eyes closed but he knows where to look to find those pupils who break their bodies from a distance. Beyond the smoke and raised hands, still above the lights that act as angels for bodies sway in the rhythm of the song and the vibration that burns your feet, eyes that glows your skin are those of the omnipotent that as a puppeteer, is guilty of what happens on that track. Luc turns and her gaze meets the DJ a split second before returning to close your eyes and jump, with all the strength he has, peeling of the amorphous rest of the people who dance with him and the song expected since his arrival starts ringing. And everything around her disappears, unless the invisible hand that drowns the moans that his throat has, sending them to his chest like burning coals to keep it standing, despite the fatigue, despite the pain, despite the gray monotony of his life that is coupled over their shoulders like an impossible rock. There, the DJ is God.

And the DJ wants to dance, to revive, which release their loads. Forget. Or maybe not, that everything is an illusion designed in the head boy's faded. It was something I used to wonder, and what prevented him from approaching the maker of everything, of that paradise of sound that could release the catharsis Luc. Illusions or truths?, To what extent the look on her body was the product of her imagination?

But Luc forgot. And oblivion, looks disappeared and it was just that feeling of ecstasy that I ran and freed him as a person, who attends the church to absolve themselves of their sins. That small club, it was their church and the DJ with music and lights, officiating priest of the redemptive figure able to forget it all, to forgive for the mistakes committed every week by choosing partners who knew they were going hurt. What was the delay? If he was already meant "Petit Prince that in his story there was no room for a prince?

The song had changed more quickly than it should, which roused him from his trance. Or maybe it was his head that he was playing a joke, since he had not even noticed when he stopped dancing but he had done. It was strange, but that day was more restless than usual, and although it had determined not to think too much, was all he was doing. Music regained volume and instantly recognized the letter as there were few times that was identified with every syllable and every line of that song. Luc had not come to dance but I could feel the melody take over every part of your body motionless among so many bodies that turned and jumped to his side. His legs were trembling under the vibration of the speakers and the sweat seemed able to jump on his skin to beat the echo that made his heart in his chest. He closed his eyes for a moment, a moment at least, fearful that the song was over before re-opening. He needed the courage that caused him to lift melody head straight for the only direction you never dared to look more than a thousandth of a second, as if the very sun and the view could blind you like the music getting blinded coming in there.

"... I need to be by your side

I Have Knelt at your feet

i have felt you deceit

Could not leave if I tried

I've been a martyr for love ... " [1]

His eyes and the DJ were merged to melt the chocolate in his eyes as each verse of the song left her lips, falling inconsistent on the ground between his awkward steps between all the people who blocked his way, now trying to stop and away from the God who called him and always called him the only way they knew how. His body was fighting eternally graceful power that wanted to keep away from that other deity in the small club where hundreds of souls were trying to bring peace to their hearts. But Luc was tired of being a martyr, to deliver his lovesick heart for it back and made a stew of crumpled after he had cleaned his feet with him. He was the Petit Prince, able to give you a good night if you're good. But no one cared to know what would happen if you woke up with him one day. However, it seemed that someone was willing to try. And he going to handle that way.

The DJ must have thought the same, because the music changed again, and as a good puppeteer who was the song down to its cadence, silencing the souls of all men and women who were there, who calmer opened as the waters of the Nile to Moses. Not even then, the letters that touched on the singer's mouth stopped talking. Luc moved his lips but no sound, as if the slightest change in the melody may affect the strange environment that had occurred there. If you've Suffered Enough ... and a step. I Can Understand What You're thinking of ... and another. I can see the pain That You're frightened of ... [2] and was getting closer. The thick, sweet voice of singer is smeared on your skin drying the beads of sweat and tears, scattered throughout his body. The staircase was presented as a giant open arms who climbed one by one as whisper-now-the song itself, like a mantra that kept him safe, step by step. 've Been running from love ... and the man guarding the door leading to the room DJ let it go, as if he knew, as if he knew that one day I would be there and would do so, as an implicit rule in the air, in the song the lights around and playing on your hair making it fluorescent. At least, he thought, would mean that paranoia was not theirs, so long have felt the eyes of the DJ on his person. The music and the rest of the world is left on the other hand, where life still continued its course, where the pain was keeping calm under the magic of a song that spoke highly of the way they were. And face it, the only guilty of touching the heartstrings of his faithful, who still had not turned to him. Luc

thanked him, while won used the time to memorize the traits that had always tried to discern between smoke and lights too bright, not to mention that he had never encouraged rather than spying. Contrary to expectations, the man who was found there was far more normal than you imagined and very different men who used to pretend. Dressed in baggy clothes and dark colors, was responsible for controlling the volume of the song that was playing behind the glass of the soundproof booth. His face was filled with shadows a bit because the atmosphere of the nightclub, another bit by the huge wore headphones to hear better the music was going to the faithful. Nothing in his acting denoted that he was waiting and yet everything had been there, the only place it has never dared to go, the one place forbidden for him too, who did not think he could violate the sanctity of this shrine I was able to provide peace, week by week, day by day. The DJ had never meant anything to him, not as a person at least, but like a machine and his brain had made a click that night, acknowledged in the lyrics of the songs a pebbled path that this time it was eaten by no one but himself, leading to the foot of the man who was as real as all the other men he had gone to bed.

still could not see his face was hidden behind the lights and shadows that made a blot profile that was confused with the dark painted on the wall. Nerves suddenly surfaced on it, like a flower plucked inside with unusual speed planting seeds of curiosity and fear. I wanted to see, eyes to see that face so strong that they were able to penetrate his soul from afar, to caress of a hand made of fire plumes that made him tremble like a song sparrow that it vibrates to the fluff lies close to their chest. I wanted to see and to see it all made sense: his dedication to all those bodies who said they loved him for one night, the pain and falling back in that never-ending vicious cycle, that everything was just an excuse to discover the truth behind the music, the hidden truth was more painful and sweet that all the times you danced until almost unconscious on the track of that club.

music turned back, retreating stanza by stanza, that song had so often heard and again crashed into his ears. Against all of it.

"... From the day I Was Born

I've Been Moved like a pawn

By the Greatest of Powers. " [3]

Everything went dark after the huge accomplishment. His feet crashed to the ground with aplomb and unbearable noise invaded their ears after the calm which had been immersed in his trance. For he opened his eyes he was still in the middle of the crowd and his favorite song was still ringing in the air loud and clear, straight to the nerve endings of his body began to vibrate, and tiny speakers waiting for the chorus that would allow start. Once again, like a Moses whom God had equipped guts, like a fish in water that was dodged every body shook with the catchy melody and impulsively, jumped every step of the ladder, until the guard who looked like he had much seen in your imagination. All the guards were very similar, he supposed. What surprised him, pleasantly, is to let him go without asking anything in the air while a song was heard forcefully again:

"For tonight

God is a DJ. "

not need anything else. The tongue of fire hovered Luc against his neck and smiled before entering the shrine, where the greatest of the powers could be it too.

[1] Extract song Martyr by Depeche Mode: "... I need to be by your side I have knelt at your feet, I felt your deceit, do not I could have gone if I tried ... "

[2] extract of the song by Depeche Mode Freelove :" ... if you've suffered enough; can hear what you think, I can see the pain you fear. "

[3] Martyr - Idem:" ... since the day I was born I have been moved as a pawn, for the greatest of powers. "


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