Friday, September 3, 2010

Nadine Chrissie Jansen

Fée Verte ~ ♥ • Honey

is sooo weird to write poetry ... so as to update often. Or maybe rarer. But hey, I'm here today with this little poem. On in writing workshop I attend, we were reading Baudelaire and a few days ago I got to read it in French. Years since I studied French, but I had no trouble reading it and loved it. This then will place it was born after reading.

Until next week!

From night
confused cries of the men who dare to enjoy the pleasure
From eating rotten meat,
That feeling, painful and last
In his, it was theirs.
death in his eyes is painted white.

Luna, white and pure semen
poets who drink of your light
To get drunk and spit the words
Strong words, words red,
of sex, love, pain, passion.
death in their mouth kisses his bile.

The stars are there in the sky,
But who care about the queen,
The bright white nipple,
Stroll evening inviting them to sin with her.
of their legs, eat your meat death.

But poets are greedy creatures Viles
confused with his words,
hypnotize and carry misfortune to the other
Those men who try to follow
About the same death holds.

are greedy, are greedy,
not only drink from the moon,
from the milk of the moon,
The semen of that moon.

Drink the poison of death opal
That which is green, green as all poisons,
And that is painted white, hairless under water, And the sweet sugar
with trying to disguise his death. Miser

That kiss to the moon and eat their meat,
White, cold and dead, including women
Those visits brothels, among coffins
Earth and worms, which are painted in your eyes
After Green Fairy, who accompanies you
Although visits to your moon, your whores
Y your words.

The poison reached his heart,
is the culprit of such greatness, such
of putrefaction. Rest
looking skyward once again,
Looking at the moon laughs at his death,
laughing at the death that eats their flesh, so blind That
kissing his bile
Now that the fairy Green killed him. *-*-*

Fée Verte refers to the name given to absinthe. Is an alcoholic beverage, green, often taken with cool water and a sugar cube. When mixed, the drink takes a whitish color. Absinthe was very popular among artists in the late nineteenth and early XX and hallucinogenic properties is granted. Currently, the ban was lifted in some places, but forbidden in others is still consumption.


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