Monday, December 13, 2010

How To Cover Ugly Sink Pipes


As is typical this time of year, witches / as, fortune tellers, girls and visionaries make their predictions about what will happen in the new year. Today, using the powers given me strength, I will make my predictions for 2011

Barcelona not be champion this year . The Curse of Makanaki still making the rounds and despite making good games, key in fighting against: Emelec, Liga de Quito, El Nacional and Deportivo Quito will keep away from the cup for another year.

Barcelona Maruri waiver. Eduardo Maruri finally realizes that what he is advertising and left the presidency of Barcelona. Instead, fans who choose to Alfonso Harb promises to Copa Libertadores 2012 and the championship the same year.

Liga de Quito again American champion. To the dismay of the FC Barcelona, \u200b\u200bLiga de Quito wins again in Libertadores Cup final against a team from Argentina. This time the final final will be played in Quito.

Farándula and media
A well-known Radio announcer Diblú out of the closet. They say that those who boast about something, do so because they lack that. Thus, the sexual preferences of a terrible announcer speech is evident.

Sports journalist change channels. Tired of so many eggs in the channel where he works, a longtime sports journalist resigns and is hired in another string where it has greater freedom to undertake new projects.

TV mourning dies screen character. A beloved character and part of the Ecuadorian television history leaves this world. Peace in his grave.
Andres Crespo
wins major award. Ecuadorian filmmaker Andres Crespo, is a major creditor of international award for one of their productions.

wedding bells ring for another journalist Diblú. This year jod .. say, the house, a radio journalist Diblú endearing. Right there ...

Policy Important character is killed. An influential South American political and social trends is killed when she attended a meeting in another South American country. The killer committed suicide by swallowing cyanide so as not to discover the intellectual authors.

South American country is the target of terrorist attacks . Fundamentalist groups opposed to the government of this country carry out terrorist acts in different cities. Killed hundreds of citizens. The country's president decreed a state of emergency and assumed full powers. Clashes flare up and end up killing his wife and children. The president resigned and peace returns to the country.

FARC lay down their arms. After many years, the FARC in Colombia lay down their arms, but in the north, a new form and guerrillas call themselves: Guevarists Bolivarian forces. Found in his possession weapons of North Korean and Iranian manufacture.

These are some of the visions I had thanks to the power (or perhaps were the result of poisoning with psychoactive substance I gave Miley Cyrus?). We'll see if any are true.


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