Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Rotrinic Drivers 12.02.1086

queerman ~ ♫ - [Story / parody]

The holidays passed without that I would not a sign of life, but hey! Guess what? Here I am XD. So sorry to have left the blog, but is that between work and other things I have no time or desire to upgrade. So I plan to do so today, before departing. He would not go anywhere, this holiday season. Never say never.

Also, this post will not be used except to show signs of life. I know I have a couple of things to climb, as the prize and give the news Jaz =): Dec. 19, I, along the whole of the literary workshop I have attended, we present our first anthology of short stories and poetry. Try to get a good camera to take pictures of the book and show. I am very happy about that.

Now, what concerns us: "Merry Queerman!" Parody I wrote the story for Christmas, as a gift back to those who pass through here (Jaz, do not read, creeeeo is not so bad, but I do not know XD .)

Title: "Merry Queerman!"
Author: lonely soul

Gender: Parody
Couples -
Warnings: Madness Mucha XD, abuse of public (?) And cheap jokes
Date: December 1910 '

If you believe that as hard as Santa Claus faces , at year's end, is the race against time, you do not know the true events of the most famous bear in the world.

No animal or person has been harmed during the creation of this story.

A small glossary before you start:

Chaser: Also known in Castilian as a hunter. Are those that do not necessarily share the characteristics of a bear, which are attracted by them.

Bear: People with a lot of hair, usually plump, well known within the gay scene. Within this category there are subcategories muchíííísimas. If you are interested in the subject, investigate;).

Leader: not need much explanation. Here everything revolves around the leather XD.

Queerman Merry!

People always talk about how hard it must be for Santa Claus delivering all gifts, of all people in all parts of the world at the same time, which is not at the same time, because can thank the existence of different time zones. But nobody would think that there are worse things that really are more afraid to be delayed in sending a present. And that, ladies and gentlemen, are the chasers or as they are known in Castilian: hunters.

Not that Santa Claus was a prejudiced person. Over the years, it took forever to stay updated on the things that happened outside the North Pole, no matter how much work he had. That's why I knew there were all sorts of relationships and that gay environment had something called chaser and that was after people chubby, bearded, with plenty of hair and it could be more or less white, more or less abundant and also the texture of the person could vary. The worst part is that he was chubby, bearded, graying hair, had to say- quite hairy chest. The perfect victim. Not that anyone is considered haunted, or too exaggerated concern. But all precautions were created by their own experiences. On their own, stocked and terrifying experiences. Still

Mr. Santa, did not know how he managed to escape all their misfortunes unfinished with pride -not to say another thing broken. There was that time that had entered the house of a German who almost made him die of fright when there turned on the lights as he placed the gifts under the tree. If he was alive, was perhaps the surprise was taken to see the man dressed in leather and latex clung to her body, and the upright member greeting him outside the prison of his pants. Then discover that being, dressed in leather and whip in hand, belonged to the group of Leaders . Another round, was a guy who had pounced on him as he stooped to leave gifts. The shock was not less than disappointed to see what kind of feelings generated by his affable figure in the small ... seventeen. When he remembered, Santa shook his head. I remembered when I was a kid six years drooling over their new cars. Now, that home delivery was responsible for another person.

Perhaps the time more surprised when it was attacked was a girl, glasses, petite and looking good person, you could say harmless. She and a friend were sleeping near the tree, probably waiting for him. The surprise is when both took up from where they were and ran with ropes in their hands, shouting "Big Daddy, Big Daddy!". The youth was spoiled.

Of all had escaped. Why could not the same this time?

From that moment, besides keeping aware of everything going on in the world, had organized another investigation, to separate all the chasers and suspected they might have something. Then, when I met them, marked them, and these his secretary was responsible, Mery Christmas, which could be a woman, but Santa was sure that the people visiting think twice before doing something wrong again . Sometimes, Mery look reminded her of the two girls who had tried to bound, and even came to think that might be good helpers, but want to practice with him bondage. That was why he was also careful Mery no matter how much had told him that she only went women-and no, you would not attack while sleeping, which he believed Mr. Claus only reluctantly.

And now, the situation that was happening at that time. Tied up in bed, with only his underpants, with a beautifully designed Christmas trees fresh and shining in the darkness, wrapped her wrists in handcuffs stuffed red, green and white. Well the Christmas spirit, had to think with some pride. What is not understood is when I had bought, if he had guarded so well throughout the year.

Mr. Santa was in the house of one of the chasers assumptions to which both feared. If you were there, it was not because he suddenly had happened to feel the pleasure of leather and the whip is not as if his tastes have suddenly reversed. In this boy had been on the list of monitored during the twelve months of the year, hoping to catch him doing something wrong, and it was Mery's to visit him at night. But he had shown an irreproachable conduct. Almost perfect, to scratch the suspect. But since the rules were the rules, much to the regret that he had been the one who created them-had comply with the agreement. And so it went.

"I knew you would come," said the boy. The scraggly beard seemed clink on the skin of his stomach, he began to kiss in that area, "it was worth all the wait.

The feeling, scratchy on your skin, gave a shudder, that for some reason not displeased at all. The boy was not bad to see ... "excuse Stop!" He said worried.

- Stop! You can not do this, I have many gifts to be delivered and not think you're able to disappoint any children, right? She tried to reason with him. He knew that children liked how he looked after his nephew when his sister was not.

"Do not try to escape," replied the other, as he began to pull down their pants, I sent a message to your secretary, you want to see what they say? He put the cell phone very close to their eyes and read what he did curse under his breath.

Dear Santa, you're tense lately, I think that you will do, it's time for you to accept your true sexuality What other than a bear would walk using braces these days? I'll take advantage of the other gifts. Love, Mery Christmas.

He had commanded the lion's den!

"Come, relax, baby, you'll see as you enjoy it.

Santa frowned, that voice should have a problem because he could not refuse. What the hell! Maybe this year will be the honoree played.


- ... wow!

wives had blown somewhere, and the sheets were tangled in their waists. Both breathed as if his life depended on it were too tired for exercise, but if they asked Santa for a long something does not seem so ... exciting? I could not even believe the things your body could do without him knowing.

- And? Did I test? Rudolph asked (yes, jokes of life). Her voice trembled imperceptibly.

Santa smiled.

wish I could take you with me to the North Pole, "she answered before he could protest continued: - You have your family, and love your nephews," she finished, almost in a whisper, his cheeks competing with Christmas tree balls.

"Well ..." he tried to fix Rudolph- you can always just look around for exercise around here.

That seemed a good idea. Why wait 365 days to see it again?

And Santa Claus was so afraid of losing him chasers, although the human-Rudolph-barred even put into question. To hunt holy, as he was.

who have spent some nice holidays!


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