Friday, January 28, 2011

Can You Drink Tea When You Doing A Fasting Test

"Bridges Literary Anthology of the Mariano Moreno Merry

I vueeeeelta. As you can see, there was a change in the design of the blog ^ ^. Pretty soon, they wanted to change but could not find a template that I liked enough. In the end, I made a radical change in one that had gone down and this is the result I hope that is most comfortable reading from now. In addition, notice that I start to sign my real name, to find a pen with me comfortable. I introduce myself again, Gretel Myth their orders.

Next point: it is time to publish what I come toooooodo leaving ink in the last couple of months. I'll write this with time, so do not forget anything =). First of all, thank you very much to all who are going through here, although I have it very abandoned and I left Nittah a message in the last post and it has not yet replied (I was delighted when I came back from vacation =) this weekend I will try to answer as it should be ~).

Then we'll slowly. Promising to come (to my fiancée, not least XD) I'd upload photos of the book we published together literary workshop. So here it is =).

Well then, now have a little (and really, not much, because I'm really bad with the times and not to mention the memory.) It turns out that in the workshop of Mariano Moreno Library, the coordinator Susan D'Aloisio gun end of the year a small magazine written of the children who attend it. Last year (2010), however, the idea evolved willingly: orgarnizarnos decided to publish a book. And although many of us go through the shop (more than twenty, and more varied ages), the dream was fulfilled.
(Book cover)

The title of the anthology, leaving the name with which the magazine published the works of the guys in the workshop (not including me because I was never in them). The Herculean task, began around mid-year past, and I say Herculean, because there are so many, it is sometimes difficult to keep time or be agree.
(Contratapa. It was designed by one of my companions, who really went ^ ^)

The project, however, advanced, and 19 December, we had in our hand our little treasure. Still, having my own copy, I can not believe it.
(flap and first page, signed. Yes, yes, there said Osvaldo Bazán: D. Thanks Chibi (Y). Click on the image to read what it says the tab.)

same day, the library was organized in the presentation society (XD) of the book. And despite my fear, was crowded and the books sold better than I expected. Yes, yes, I had great faith. And yet I do not think so.
(Cover page and more signatures.)

most embarrassing thing I did was having to sign books. But hey, I could stand it XD. I think what distressed me most was escrachar books from my colleagues and friends. Still, I was very happy and was a wonderful evening. Besides, we could be alone in the library and I swear: I love living in one. They breathe peace, very different from being in a huge mansion. The books really do seem to peers. Also, I like to live in one, but with my friends shop, which was a total laugh, hahaha XD. I am happy, apart from being able to gather their signatures on my copy. Be a memory that will accompany me my whole life =).
(Lomo. Seriously, all this little job did our Titi, who was excited to see her work 'the flesh'. O paper ink, 3)
(List of all participants. Click to view the image in better definition.) Creeeeo

not nothing I miss. Bonus, photos of my great pride (at the risk of sounding egotistical ...):

See my name on it, with so many people I love and admire me feel that things are on the way I =).

my name above this paragraph risky. The people who were that day I recognized as the one who brought the erotic side of the book, XD. A family to greet me on the stairs to the exclamation: "Look, here comes the erotic poet." Although there were poems, but hey, hahaha. Surprise they are going to be XD.

Both stories involved in the anthology. "Honey" and "The dress with the scent of roses" . The one tender and the other ... good.

And the mini biography included in the book =):
(Yeah, promoting the blog: D)

Well, I think the post is stretched more than they thought they could. So again I will be a lot of things in the pipeline. I'm glad I could share this with you and so Mr. Anonymous * wink * will remain peaceful =).

prontito update it with the prize of Jaz and a drawing made by my fiancée =). Greetings to all, as long as very good weekend!


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