Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Substitution For Rapadura Sugar

Red Riding Hood suspects and the effect of the dispute

If it is well known here and elsewhere that the more the government strives to prohibit and / or censor something, the greater the morbidity and controversy among the general population. This is exactly what is happening in Mexico after the government has requested the suspension of the screening of the documentary Presumed Guilty, which highlights the failure of the Mexican judicial system. "The argument? Several people in the film did not give their consent for using his image on the tape and say that their life is being affected.

last 9 years had not been so much hype around a band of Mexican manufacturing. It was the summer 2002 when The Crime of Father Amaro went in the church bulletin board and immediately began a campaign to ban the screening of the film nationwide. The result? People flooded the cinemas, making it the most successful Mexican film of all time, a title he still holds despite already spent nearly a decade.

What I mean is that all the news that emerged this week about the documentary and if so removed, that if you put it, if it goes against freedom of expression, etc.. is merely free publicity for the film. Now, to wait the final ruling, but if you return screens again, I'm sure Presumed Guilty become a successful Mexican film, a truly amazing feat considering the gender of the tape and in short, a very important breakthrough for those who are dedicated to making documentaries. Many will say that cinema is to entertain and have a good time, but sometimes it is important to turn to the reality that presents interesting stories than those of fiction.

Here is a list of the 10 highest-grossing Mexican films to date. Hopefully see Presumed Guilty occupying one of these positions soon.
  1. The Crime of Father Amaro
  2. Eggs
  3. A film Rudo y Cursi
  4. No Eres Tu, Soy Yo
  5. Km 31
  6. Sex, Shame and Tears
  7. Eggs Another film Y Tu Mama Tambien
  8. La Misma Luna Life ArrĂ¡ncame


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