Sunday, March 20, 2011

How To Make A Softbox For A Built In Flash

Argentino Luna

The only thing I'm using the blog, lately, is to give example of those things that concern me or that I care that people know. Today, the death of Luna Argentino slapped me. If there is something I like about my country, its folklore, and doubtless this great "singer" (I remember the first time I heard the "country store") deserves a place here. I spent the whole day, without believing, and as I listened to a song dedicated to his mother, I missed the tears from laughter, humor product that was always so cute.

I leave one of the many recitations of Luna, beautiful as his songs. "My will"

"Very little can be done, when the reaper comes to you. One of its arms delivery to the account is woman!" Argentino Luna.

"I have been and will be an inhabitant of the silence of my people, they keep my songs ... nero, I have sown on good soil, the heart of my people has made the seed germination of the verse, song and continue singing because that was the destination I chose or chose me, but I, a fellow singer payments Madariaga I went there one day to return better, as the poet said. " Argentino Luna


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