Sunday, March 27, 2011

Community Service Reccomendation

¨ What why accuse him? As it is my chamber "Well
say that reality is often stranger than fiction and this certainly applies to this documentary Presumed Guilty . Your advertising campaign read ¨ film everyone in Mexico has to do ¨ and in fact, is a film that deserves to be seen, analyzed and reflected by each and every order not only to understand (and learn) a little more about the inefficient judicial system that is taught in the country, but also to understand what you can do so to improve this process . It is true that the documentary does not present anything new from the point of view we have heard similar cases on the problems that persist in the pursuit of justice in Mexico, however, it is extremely interesting is that the film succeeds in putting a face the problem to us participants in a case in a million, where quite simply the justice system has failed. Presumed Guilty

worth seeing, not just by the illness and the controversy it has generated around it. To begin with, is a purely Mexican film with zero pretensions. I'm sure the last thing they went through the minds of the filmmakers was that the tape would travel the world in film festivals and winning awards and recognition from critics and general audiences. We are in a modest manufacturing film whose purpose is to showcase the failures of a system that was responsible for imprisoning the innocent and the guilty to grant freedom to have a certain socioeconomic status. By following the case of Antonio Zúñiga, a salesman who was convicted of a crime he did not commit, directors and attorneys present evidence and arguments that expose the level of corruption and negligence among judges, lawyers, witnesses and police. Presumed Guilty

deserves to be analyzed, primarily by the phenomenon in which it has become. Is a clear example that society is screaming for a new form of cinema in Mexico on a concept that moves away from copying American ways to explore our stories. The success of Presumed Guilty lies in having a good story to tell, that may seem simple at first glance, it is powerful in its message and how to manage and direct the criticism. Outside the cinematic look, the film should be analyzed to stick to reality and understand the functioning of this governmental body, though in the attempt failed with tremendous rage and impotence at the reactions and decisions of those who bear the administration of justice in this country.

Finally, Presumed Guilty worth reflected by the audience and question certain aspects like is this the judicial system that the country should offer, how I can educate myself to know how to act if that is the subject of scrutiny justice in Mexico? and what is in my power to bring about change or improvement? Undoubtedly, both Roberto Hernandez and Negrete Layda deserve applause, not only for the work they did but for the dared to present this reality despite the obstacles they knew they would face. Hopefully, the film achieves move consciences and possible a change in the way of imparting justice in Mexico and in the process of trials and confrontations.

Rating: ****


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