Monday, February 21, 2011

Whats The Vareage 20yr Old Male Foot Size?

How do you know you're getting old?

1) When you used to listen to songs and were the hit of the season now out in the segment "Music of Remembrance" radio programs
2) When you start bare area to be called "sir"
3) When you see a woman who could have been your mother and find it interesting to stick a stick
4) Where, after a drunken, fucked and you wake feeling well last you a couple of days
5) When the doctor began to say crap like "you should stop smoking, stop eat fat, should stop drinking ... "
6) When you discover where your liver is the organ fucking pain that you starts to cause
7) When you want to stay in Caleta watching television rather than go for whores
8) When you start reading the obituaries section / obits in the papers before anyone else
9) When cable channels such as pass TCM movies and you saw when you were peeling
10) When your children's toys are sold as "collectibles"

panas When you enter the same age say, "Chucha, crazy .. .'re old! "

This is a salute to all my buddies already exceeded the threshold of 30 years and is heading into the happy 40.


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