Tuesday, February 15, 2011

What Antibiotics To Use

Pray for Japan Day in the fight against childhood cancer


is an old poster, but I like what he says. Today, February 15th is the day in the fight against childhood cancer.

Today I woke up dip, but I wanted to leave a small entry here on this day. As a child, I too had to spend another month, month not in the hospital for a disease that fortunately (for the miracles that doctors can not understand) went without any sequelae. I give thanks that was detected within all time and my parents did everything they could for me. It was not cancer, but today it is known that up to 70% of children who are diagnosed with this disease can be saved if caught early and properly treated, as well as the containment of his family. So that if we go out, wear a white shirt and be silent partners in this fight. I leave

also a link to the page of a foundation in Argentina that is dealing with children here in Buenos Aires.


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