Monday, February 14, 2011

Recovery Time Radiculopathy

's Fool Carlos Vera @ carlosverareal

Do you remember who it was that every morning during the election season back in 2006 highlighted the evils of a presidential candidate who is also the richest man in Ecuador and gave him plenty of room to type broad smile and promises of change, "revolutionary"?

the bastards do not we, I mean Carlos Vera (oh, right ... I mention in the title of this post ...). Shortly after he turned the tables, the smile-type-favorite candidate was more false than $ 17 a ticket. Vera called traitor and began a fierce struggle between the so-called "corrupt media" and the president a traitor. Then

pressures came and went and finally left Ecuavisa Vera and engaged in political campaigning against Correa. When he had the opportunity, took the baton for the recall of Rafael Correa as noted by the Constitution.

Did you think it would be easy?
do not know if Vera was guilty of dumb Correa expected or really wanted to sit at you revoke the mandate. Tell me, Carlos, you forgot about the following?

- Arbitrary and illegal "dissolution" of Congress prior to the Constituent Assembly
- Arrest as "offending the president Majesty" appeared
- Wash hands, feet, c. .. uerpo respect to the bureaus of nanito
- Abusive and ongoing propaganda campaign in favor of the government and against their opponents
- national chains of a single channel to target journalists who were finally thrown out of their jobs

Did you expect that Correa and his gang of politicians and shysters not find a way to send your cock recall process?

Crying in twitter, facebook and youtube
Social networks are a means of communication that are having an amazing boom. We live in the online era where any person has a smartphone and keeps abreast of news and what happens to his friends and I found it interesting that you chose the media to convey your message.

But you forgot something: your messages, comments and others have the force of a child under 2 years. Reach only a tiny proportion of the population. Even if you had the evidence, and show that Correa is a stubborn corrupt, few would be as we found out that the bulk of supporters of mandamucho not have internet access, contrary to Correa persistent messages can be sent by radio, television and press to retain customer loyalty.

The man can attack you with its arsenal of media and you like cock, shoot with a water pistol. The media war lost it when you left television and you is not worth half-hour interview in a foreign channel, because that only see that we Directv. While locally, Correa makes you look like a fool.

If the man says yes, I say no. And if he says no, say if
most ridiculous thing of the past weeks is to get on the plane "as now" accept "that repeal the mandate, we will not do anything because 'is not a favor,'"

As I said, Correa ridicules you and you let ridicule. Correa says that if you do not have the signatures you say, why do not notarize the signatures and you can show the country the total number of signatures of support? Although we do not go to give the CNE, at least the support is evident that you had. All However, with their "changes, interpretations, modifications, etc." your process is in the shit. Recognizes that valiste cock, you lost but you lost not because of lack of action, but because the enemy was more "known" and used their weapons better.

What comes
is clear that "democratic solution" to remove Correa does not exist. The only way out is to get a candidate to confront with the same force, but no group ever. You need someone new and unknown. Someone without a precedent that can be used by the gang of propaganda to discredit him (because even if the Pope Benedict XVI said something against Correa, this would reply by saying that the veteran has no moral standing to talk about Correa when he was bishop of the Nazis).

So dismisses Nebot (have a tail of straw), Lourdes Tibán (it is a feminized version of Evo Morales and do not think I can make a perfect government), Guillermo Lasso (no surprise you take out a law to prevent bankers, journalists and the like to participate in politics), Leonardo Viteri (my intuition tells me that it is only an opportunist without sufficient capacity to manage a country), Cesar Montufar (intelligent man and could be a good prospect, but we must investigate the past. Also The leftist is always a potential danger), Alberto Acosta (More mature and focused than Correa, also paints as a good prospect, but Correa could have "some information" about him).

As I said, a stranger with no history is better. Prepare him well enough. Learn to ridicule Correa. Attack it constantly until the president loses his temper and makes a mistake that cost him votes. That is the way forward. And I know you know some people willing to make to that candidate. The question you have to make is who will be the candidate? There I leave you throwing the ball.


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