Monday, April 4, 2011

Can You Drink Herbal Tea When Fasting

two years ago, Duncan Jones made his debut as a writer and director of the independent court tape Moon, which was a of my favorites of 2009. That little band was not only acclaimed by critics, but also became the platform for Jones to the big leagues and little by little, this gem of science fiction has been gaining more followers since its release on video. On this occasion, the director jumps from the realm of independent cinema to mainstream to make a film with a bigger budget, supported by a larger study with the participation of biggest stars.

Jake Gyllenhaal is the protagonist of Source Cod e, an intelligent thriller that challenges the viewer from beginning to end. The young actor, in one of his finest performances to date, gives life to Colter Stevens, a soldier who awakens in a passenger train from the city of Chicago in the body of another man. Still puzzled by what is happening and trying to find an explanation, the train explodes and Colter wakes up in a small capsule that keeps you connected to wires and monitors. It is then that the military will find his involvement in a project entitled ¨ Source Code ¨ (Source Code), whose mission is to discover which of the passenger is responsible for the incident on the train. The program will allow Stevens only relive the last 8 minutes before the explosion in order to obtain the clues that point to the murderer.

With a rate of stroke, Duncan Jones repeats a pattern very similar to that followed in Moon and at times, the films show some similarities, especially in the sense that the protagonists are in a prison environment as they discover little by little the meaning of his existence. It is very interesting how every time the character Gyllenhaal · Connect ¨ a virtual reality program to gather more details of the suspect and managed to clear the terrorist act, he also becomes more aware of his mission and it was selected to participate. Source Code is a weird combination of Groundhog Day Inception and where the various situations that occur on the tape begin to mix and to the extent that a viewer has the task of analyzing the story with great care.

Michelle Monaghan and Vera Farmiga complement the distribution of the film that is undoubtedly the best commercial release so far this year. Source Code is a movie that combines brain muscle history with adrenaline and substance with style, and which in turn is accessible to all audiences. Outside the entertainment offered as such, the film does the viewer question the decisions and actions that one could change if we had the opportunity to relive certain moments in our lives, and the true meaning of what one considers real. A great success for the short, but celebrated, filmography Duncan Jones and look forward to your next project.


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