Monday, October 25, 2010

Webstar Modem Outputs

RIP (1951-2010)


fuck it, little by little they are going all! This news if I moved and so break the silence that had been keeping for some time. In these last days of October we left for just 59 years one of the most honest of reggae music, if, fuck, let the teacher! and I can not nor do I want to believe. I had the opportunity to see for the first time in the early 90's here in the old stadium in Buenos Aires and works last in late 2009 and was always a real pleasure. Just last Saturday while David went on show in Groove Hinds had something like a foreboding thought I said "bye, how many more times I will have the opportunity to listen to guys like that?" A chill ran down my body and tried to drive away the ghost ... and breakfast just me with this sad news ... Its rich history
know it all .... just leave me say this: Be well wherever you are!

Mr X

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Dsc Trouble Light But No Information

Awards ...

These weeks that I could not write anything I like enough, I spent writing poems. Ok, not really, I grabbed a night of madness, I believe, and wrote some. Will the short story that I jumped, but is actually harder to write a poem for me at least a little story.

Well, not here for my babbling XD. Bring two awards given to me and Dixie Karu-chan =). Today there will reward anyone, but I give many thanks to both for thinking of this blog and to continue bringing us yaoi all we like =). Insurance already know their pages, but please keep visiting them to always bring something interesting:).

Awards and the poem of the week ('Mar') to 'Read more ...' Until next time!

This award gave me Mundo Yaoi Dixie, arigatou!

The Game 4

This happened to me Karu-chan, and although I did update some answers ^ ^ ~ ♥ I nominate


Sorry, but not this week x_x

4 things in my bag:

1. Candy
Pines 3. Pouch with everything needed to draw
4. Wallet with ID

4 favorite things about my room:

1. My laptop speakers for music super * Q *
2. My Japanese flag and posters on my walls ~ ♥.
3. My futon: 3 (Tousen arigatou ^ ^)
4. Privacy XD

4 things that I like right now:

1. My group nihongo, w, ~ ♥
2. Cornelia Funke (Y)
3. Bears & chubbies
4. Life in general:)

4 things I always wanted to do:

1. Finish learning to play an instrument
2. Go to Japan and see a concert of Kanjani8
3. Post a full-fledged book
4. Fly: 3

4 things you never knew me:

1. I studied violin for almost two years and only a few months XD
flute 2. I'ma vegetarian
3. ... but someday I'll try the takoyaki XD.
4. At first glance look like a quiet, innocent girl of 16 years (when I have 21 u_uU) ... until I open my mouth XD

4 songs that I can not shake of the head:

1. Sen no Kaze ni Natte - Masafumi Akikawa
2. 413man - Yokoyama Yuu
3. TOPOP - Yasuda Shota
4. Dream Express - FLOW

(click on the titles to download the songs ^ ^) ----


If the light had just one day,
does the care centers within yourself for me?
gulls flying in the midst of deep, dark ocean,
'm drowning in your presence absence.
The land away from me.

waves in curls your hair looks, it is impossible to forget
poke you in the memories
under the sea foam itchy,
sting wounds the heart.

If the eternal night will pose in my eyes,
would you be the lighthouse on the coast to bring me home?
Ship aground wants
my emotions in your heart, destroy everything
and plant the red flag of danger. Very
within you.

fired a flare, an SOS
straight to you.
you light the lighthouse
are waiting for my ship.

And yet, I sink,
ran aground off the coast of yourself, your
far away, far from your thoughts.

The lighthouse is turned and locked
help others and forgetting about me.

My boat became only the memory of what was,
in the depths of your ignorance
as a treasure, you'll never see the light.

but a treasure nonetheless.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Europeions Bottom Less Images

again String [Bizarre poems] • Meme 'game 4'

did not feel like updating, but here I am thanks to a meme: 3 and I go way freak I wrote a poem based on an image. I have wanted to do a story too ~ ♥. The partials are gone and I think I did well, but only I will know next week, haha. Well, see you later! Good weekend to all
^ ^ ~ ~

Rope (Image by lawnmowerpants @ DA)

Up, up,

the stairs

rope hanging,

of my stomach.

Come, run!,

jumps and climbs!

The guts are not finished.

help you up.

Come on up,

little prince!

Up here, we hope you


to eat ... you





Bon appétit .-

The Game 4

This happened to me Macchi, and saved my life proque did not want to update the blog XD, many thanks linda! I nominate


1. Ruru-chan
2. Nittah
3. Arii : 3
4. Neri: D

4 things in my bag:

1. Candy
Pines 3. Pouch with everything needed to draw
4. Wallet with ID

4 favorites my room

1. My laptop speakers for music super * Q *
2. My Japanese flag and posters on my walls ~ ♥.
3. My futon: 3 (Tousen arigatou ^ ^)
4. Privacy XD

4 things that I like right now:

1. My group nihongo, w, ~ ♥
2. Cornelia Funke (Y)
3. Bears & chubbies
4. Life in general:)

4 things I always wanted to do:

1. Finish learning to play an instrument
2. Go to Japan and see a concert of Kanjani8
3. Post a full-fledged book
4. Fly: 3

4 Things You Did not Know Me:

1. Study almost two years of violin and only a few months XD
flute 2. YEARS ago I do not give a kiss or hug my brother ...
3. ... not that I do not want it XD
4. At first glance look like a quiet, innocent girl of 16 years (when I have 21 u_uU) ... until I open my mouth XD

4 songs that I can not shake of the head:

1. Ougon Soul - Shonnanokaze
2. 413man - Yokoyama Yuu
3. TOPOP - Yasuda Shota
4. Dream Express - FLOW

(click on the titles to download the songs ^ ^)