Today is officially after Saturday. I regret to say that I did so well in economics, but I resign myself to know that this matter is not for me. Just not that I die. On Tuesday (thirteen, yes, yes, thirteen) I get the note, I hope that the number of good luck, lol. Step
cortito leave a story, that how could it be otherwise (: 3) out of a sentence handed me Noni. It's a bit funny, anyway, is not to take it seriously, haha. At the end of the story, I'll post the prize has left Meribah (you're a sun, cute) Thank you! And I also thank the little people who have spent this week here:). A greeting and we'll certainly see you soon!
Title: "Puppy"
Author: lonely soul
Genre: General
Couples -
Warnings: A little foul language.
Date: June 1910 '
Matt Hazard needed to feel alive, but adrenaline that runs on it while fleeing from predators has side effects ... put hot as, for example. However, there are things out there, more dangerous than 'dogs' . And he is one of them.
panic and confusion stained crimson taught a new way of breathing under the most unthinkable, in the most extreme, the most disastrous ... never felt so alive as in those times. The adrenaline was a drug that attracted him as attracted to hunters who smelled the fear that her body gave off, the blood that was lost. He moved fast for between trees without even touching them, however, stopped from time to time so that those who pursued him from losing his trail. It was dangerous and her boyfriend say he was an idiot for doing something well. Oh, yes ... idly could see with that black shirt tight to his chest marking each of those abs that he felt like biting all night. Ruffled his hair quickly trying to remove that mental image. Adrenaline also get hot and the erection in his pants was screaming to take over it. However it was impossible to stop now, take your dick and give you a few for free ...
reviewed again to curse again realizing that his thoughts turned to go for the same dollars. Dodged a root and decided that was enough for the day. The scare was when something grabbed his elbow, pushed him a good punch tip backwards trying to separate from whatever it was holding. Greater was his surprise when the coup was retained with a skill of their pursuers knew little. He wanted to turn around but was stopped and a hand saw to it that she screamed. He then thought about it twice, did not suit him draw more attention to him, so he calmed down and stopped resisting waiting for the other lower her guard to escape. The smell of dry leaves and cigarette breath chocolate and was warned it would certainly have preferred that some of the werewolves catch him before being arrested by him.
The beasts passed about fifty yards from where they were hidden and he dared not breathe. He hoped that the fresh scent of rain helped to confuse, nor be able to hear the strong beat of his heart that even dead, pounding on his chest. As strong as his penis into his pants.
muscles in the shoulders and chest relaxed leaning against when the sound of the footsteps of the Lycans not heard more, but tightened again when he pushed away from him. Cursed to feel the beat dry against his neck and turned angry. The gesture of anger did not last long in the face when he saw the very angry that carried the other.
- What would have happened ... if it had been one of those dogs that grab you, Matty?
The hiss of her boyfriend led to two quite opposite reactions. On the one hand, respect merged with the anger that he had so little confidence. And on the other ...
His trousers seemed more crowded than it already was.
"I overestimated, John, I really do ... You said it yourself! They are dogs, I have got rid of a snap-Matt ran his hands through his hair darkened by anger and they desire to shoot her boyfriend on the floor and eat his belly as if it were made of chocolate.
"Yeah, yeah, sure-handed 'u' in a hiss again make him nervous. Then explain to me what the hell were you thinking when you allowed yourself to make that awful pit, "he said crossed the line bloody part of your stomach and Matt laughed, as if that was funny. In part, it was.
-cones, no, "he said in a whisper before licking his lips. The salt of the earth had that stuck to the sweat. John rolled her eyes and sighed while shaking her head.
- Do not you ever stop?
"I doubt it," he said without missing a beat. In contrast, there is another thing we do has stopped. "Matt was approached by changing roles. Now it was the predator, with the werewolves away from where he was, by contrast, was a predator in search of their prey, waiting for the other was able to alleviate the hunger of sex that had given him.
"Well, if you love the little run with the dogs, they take care of you, Mattie " he said, when the other and was inches from his lips. Matt stood, with eyes as big as tennis balls. The way that he answered seemed quite serious, but did not believe it.
- Would you rather fuck me a puppy? "I said incredulously. John looked almost disgusted, is it that I could not stop thinking about sex?
"I think it's you who wants to be fucked by a dog, the anger in his voice, it also transpired in the way he pushed away from him. It seems lately that you're looking for your games a hunter-hunted ...
"I think you misunderstood me, dear," John hated to call him so, and was for that reason he used that word to name it. The runs are not to excite ... Excitation is a side effect, her boyfriend looked at him, arms crossed, just in time wore black T-shirt that he loved. He had not moved in what was the conversation and seeing more calm, Matt turned to approach him. I seek not stand his cock, John, that it happens to me when I see you already this friend of yours, his hand pressed confianzuda the package under the jeans. John gasped but did not move a muscle. Just want to give a little excitement to my life ... being immortal is not what is said, too funny.
John sighed and Matt was sure he had forgiven. So it is not expected that it dealt a good hook in the stomach, just where was the wound.
- You son of a bitch! He shouted from the floor, kneeling before him be. John, from above smiled, amused.
"I love you too, honey . And you'd better hurry up already dawning. Although I will tell you that until you heal that wound, you're forbidden to go to bed. Sleep on the couch.
- could have some consideration!
"I have the same to have you with me, Matty. And you forget about the goal until it stops bleeding, blood in the second hand does not come into my menu.
- You're not serious, right? She asked, alarmed. John did not respond thinking inside that all I had a partner in the head was sex, cocks and ass-John!, Respond! -The referred is turned around with a smile beginning to retrace the path towards the house.
"Demons, touch everything but sex, she thought in horror, Matt. For a while it would be better to abandon the dogs. At least, until sex was secured again.
No sex is a nightmare eternity ... and it was an ordeal that he would not know. Damn John and his cock turn to monogamy!
the end, Matt ended up being a dog more.
The John.
(Such a lovely prize = 3)

(Such a lovely prize = 3)
7 You have to choose things that make you happy, and 7 to grant Blogs this award.
makes me happy:
* Complete story
* Play music * Kanjani8
* Diversity * See my friends manga
* Read * Learn more in Japan
makes me happy:
* Complete story
* Play music * Kanjani8
* Diversity * See my friends manga
* Read * Learn more in Japan
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