Thursday, July 15, 2010

Quotes To Use In Master Of Ceremony

And I said yes!

are four and fourteen minutes, and ten, exactly, that Argentina gave the nod to the equal rights! I can tell you I'm crying and no lie, the only thing that scares me again, is the amount, which although unable to form a majority, opposed the law, but can no longer hurt and stigmatize! Now we are all equal!

I said a few months ago but:
V to mo s A r g in t i n to!!


Other pictures that I took yesterday, fourteen in the conference:
(Love SIGLA guys, hopefully Cande-Maty, let me know a bit more ^ ^)

And for all those who were discriminated against, saying they did not, for those who hide behind the 'just because' ... a taste of their own medicine:

Happy Birthday!

Monday, July 12, 2010

Egg Cervical Mucus Before Period

The fourteen we say yes to equality!

desperate call to my compatriots, my compadres and gossips argentinxs, does anyone from here going? I can not miss Japanese because I missed two classes in a row, but I like to go, even when out of there. I'm desperate, my friends work that day and missed on 28, I will not miss the fourteenth day also being a historic day for everyone. Let

screaming and cheering for a fairer world and for all =). Let me know, please, if you go!

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Aspupload 3.0 Licence

Doggy - [Story Slash comic] & Reward:)

Today is officially after Saturday. I regret to say that I did so well in economics, but I resign myself to know that this matter is not for me. Just not that I die. On Tuesday (thirteen, yes, yes, thirteen) I get the note, I hope that the number of good luck, lol. Step

cortito leave a story, that how could it be otherwise (: 3) out of a sentence handed me Noni. It's a bit funny, anyway, is not to take it seriously, haha. At the end of the story, I'll post the prize has left Meribah (you're a sun, cute) Thank you! And I also thank the little people who have spent this week here:). A greeting and we'll certainly see you soon!

Title: "Puppy"
Author: lonely soul

Genre: General
Couples -
Warnings: A little foul language.
Date: June 1910 '

Matt Hazard needed to feel alive, but adrenaline that runs on it while fleeing from predators has side effects ... put hot as, for example. However, there are things out there, more dangerous than 'dogs' . And he is one of them.

panic and confusion stained crimson taught a new way of breathing under the most unthinkable, in the most extreme, the most disastrous ... never felt so alive as in those times. The adrenaline was a drug that attracted him as attracted to hunters who smelled the fear that her body gave off, the blood that was lost. He moved fast for between trees without even touching them, however, stopped from time to time so that those who pursued him from losing his trail. It was dangerous and her boyfriend say he was an idiot for doing something well. Oh, yes ... idly could see with that black shirt tight to his chest marking each of those abs that he felt like biting all night. Ruffled his hair quickly trying to remove that mental image. Adrenaline also get hot and the erection in his pants was screaming to take over it. However it was impossible to stop now, take your dick and give you a few for free ...
reviewed again to curse again realizing that his thoughts turned to go for the same dollars. Dodged a root and decided that was enough for the day. The scare was when something grabbed his elbow, pushed him a good punch tip backwards trying to separate from whatever it was holding. Greater was his surprise when the coup was retained with a skill of their pursuers knew little. He wanted to turn around but was stopped and a hand saw to it that she screamed. He then thought about it twice, did not suit him draw more attention to him, so he calmed down and stopped resisting waiting for the other lower her guard to escape. The smell of dry leaves and cigarette breath chocolate and was warned it would certainly have preferred that some of the werewolves catch him before being arrested by him.

The beasts passed about fifty yards from where they were hidden and he dared not breathe. He hoped that the fresh scent of rain helped to confuse, nor be able to hear the strong beat of his heart that even dead, pounding on his chest. As strong as his penis into his pants.
muscles in the shoulders and chest relaxed leaning against when the sound of the footsteps of the Lycans not heard more, but tightened again when he pushed away from him. Cursed to feel the beat dry against his neck and turned angry. The gesture of anger did not last long in the face when he saw the very angry that carried the other.

- What would have happened ... if it had been one of those dogs that grab you, Matty?

The hiss of her boyfriend led to two quite opposite reactions. On the one hand, respect merged with the anger that he had so little confidence. And on the other ...

His trousers seemed more crowded than it already was.

"I overestimated, John, I really do ... You said it yourself! They are dogs, I have got rid of a snap-Matt ran his hands through his hair darkened by anger and they desire to shoot her boyfriend on the floor and eat his belly as if it were made of chocolate.

"Yeah, yeah, sure-handed 'u' in a hiss again make him nervous. Then explain to me what the hell were you thinking when you allowed yourself to make that awful pit, "he said crossed the line bloody part of your stomach and Matt laughed, as if that was funny. In part, it was.

-cones, no, "he said in a whisper before licking his lips. The salt of the earth had that stuck to the sweat. John rolled her eyes and sighed while shaking her head.

- Do not you ever stop?

"I doubt it," he said without missing a beat. In contrast, there is another thing we do has stopped. "Matt was approached by changing roles. Now it was the predator, with the werewolves away from where he was, by contrast, was a predator in search of their prey, waiting for the other was able to alleviate the hunger of sex that had given him.

"Well, if you love the little run with the dogs, they take care of you, Mattie " he said, when the other and was inches from his lips. Matt stood, with eyes as big as tennis balls. The way that he answered seemed quite serious, but did not believe it.

- Would you rather fuck me a puppy? "I said incredulously. John looked almost disgusted, is it that I could not stop thinking about sex?

"I think it's you who wants to be fucked by a dog, the anger in his voice, it also transpired in the way he pushed away from him. It seems lately that you're looking for your games a hunter-hunted ...

"I think you misunderstood me, dear," John hated to call him so, and was for that reason he used that word to name it. The runs are not to excite ... Excitation is a side effect, her boyfriend looked at him, arms crossed, just in time wore black T-shirt that he loved. He had not moved in what was the conversation and seeing more calm, Matt turned to approach him. I seek not stand his cock, John, that it happens to me when I see you already this friend of yours, his hand pressed confianzuda the package under the jeans. John gasped but did not move a muscle. Just want to give a little excitement to my life ... being immortal is not what is said, too funny.

John sighed and Matt was sure he had forgiven. So it is not expected that it dealt a good hook in the stomach, just where was the wound.

- You son of a bitch! He shouted from the floor, kneeling before him be. John, from above smiled, amused.

"I love you too, honey . And you'd better hurry up already dawning. Although I will tell you that until you heal that wound, you're forbidden to go to bed. Sleep on the couch.

- could have some consideration!

"I have the same to have you with me, Matty. And you forget about the goal until it stops bleeding, blood in the second hand does not come into my menu.

- You're not serious, right? She asked, alarmed. John did not respond thinking inside that all I had a partner in the head was sex, cocks and ass-John!, Respond! -The referred is turned around with a smile beginning to retrace the path towards the house.

"Demons, touch everything but sex, she thought in horror, Matt. For a while it would be better to abandon the dogs. At least, until sex was secured again.

No sex is a nightmare eternity ... and it was an ordeal that he would not know. Damn John and his cock turn to monogamy!

the end, Matt ended up being a dog more.

The John.

(Such a lovely prize = 3)

7 You have to choose things that make you happy, and 7 to grant Blogs this award.

makes me happy:

* Complete story

* Play music * Kanjani8

* Diversity * See my friends manga

* Read * Learn more in Japan


Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Square Dinnerwareblack And White

one name - Short Story

Hello! Step back, hurry, because I have to finish a job and studying part-economy that I have on Saturday. In the end I was better than I expected: '3, and passed the part with 10 ~ ♥, I am happy, hahaha. I leave this short little story I wrote for the workshop and we will see insurance after Saturday =), take care!

Title: "one name"
Author: lonely soul

Genre: General
Couples -
Warnings: No
Date: June 1910 '

Every night after work, Laura walks to the bus stop. Behind her, a man follows her, every day without fail. She wants to know, know her name, but never encouraged to turn around. Maybe that night, the lucky was another.

Laura was leaving work around twelve o'clock. Some days I was lucky enough to take on a passing a quarter to twelve and often were those who had to wait for the other, which passed later, when the hands caressed the languor of a four. Still, at that time, the darkness was always it and the feeling of loneliness that was installed in his chest as he walked the few blocks that separated from the stop, were a balm of calm that helped him to arrive home refreshed. Laura was not afraid to walk down the street so late, which does not mean that it was cautious in her way. Besides, it was not like travel those streets, alone. That was not the same as saying he was accompanied.
resounded in his ears weary steps of that other night passer. The hollow sound of his footsteps bounced and echoed in the empty cans lying on the wet asphalt, resembling pale stars shine on the dark blackness of the tar and cement. He had never dared to turn heads, but she knew it was there, a few meters along almost mechanically. Curiosity killed the cat killed as a proverb, and yet never, not once, had turned to him. Sometimes, the lights of the lanterns of a car in front of her loss reflects the enormous shadow of a man who hid her completely. At first, the bumps that came off the head of the figure he had drawn attention, until recognized as the wings of a hat, wide and low. «Would plug his face?" He would ask. It was the eternal question which prevented him turned to look.
not remember when I had started that routine. Laura did not care now take the bus of 0:20, because he claimed to have the opportunity to see the man. I used to imagine that stood in the middle of the street, took a deep breath and faced with phrases like: "Is not it nice to walk here?" "Today, once again seem to have forgotten to enter the cat." ... Any excuse was good if he could have the opportunity to speak with him, to look and who knows, maybe even know his name. She loved meeting new people and even had trouble starting a conversation, "he would leave that to his interlocutor, the first words exchanged was definitely something that caused a great impression in it and for the same reason it was difficult to forget. Another thing I liked about these initial contacts, it was time to hear the name of the person you whether he was speaking. She noticed every detail and every little letters that came from the mouth of another, the intonation, the way in which the language was magic in the other to form words and sounds that were in the air to your ears. The smell of air mixed with the morning coffee or lemon salad. Every detail that revolved around a name was engraved in his memory. So if Laura was so anxious, curious and other bears, it was because I wanted to know what it was called that person who always walked on his back every night without fail.
was going to cross the street when the cat is sometimes forgotten, sprang from behind a large trash bag probably cut himself. The shock made her stumble and mind devised a thousand words to curse your bad idea to wear heels that night. Twisted his foot and it was bad, but breaking a shoe ... the truth must have a lot of bad luck. What was not imagined how much.

She had not noticed, but had stopped. Laura had never been arrested in the five blocks he walked all night. Nor was noticed as the boys walked steps closer to her, more and more. Just noticed something when the pain in his ankle began to wane and the man's steps stopped right behind her. She shuddered, shocked and nervous. The opportunity was awaited was no longer knows how many weeks, was being given. For a broken heel. Now no longer seemed such a high price to pay.

tested with the smile turned to a standstill on his face as yellow eternal light of the street. The pain in her foot was nothing compared to what he felt in his stomach when something exploded on him, ripping her blouse. Tearing his skin.

Laura could not see the man's face because, as feared, the wide-brimmed hat covered with shades and carrying mysteries that face as the saying used to say he had killed the curious cat. But no curiosity.

He grabbed him by the elbows, feeling the urgent need to know, now more than ever, what was his name. His lips moved, but the magic of his tongue had lost in the lake of blood on her dancing. He tried again, without trying to make the air passes through your throat, mouth moving just as firmly that the tremor in his body allowed.

"Your name", seemed to say, it. His eyes open wide as the madness and absurdity took possession of his body. It was absurd to ask something so gross to he who kills you. But apparently, the man had made a grace enough to answer.

The hat flew off his head when he crashed into her cheek. Warm lips and smeared the ecstasy of death beat Laura's ear hypnotizing and bringing some peace to his death. A peace laughable being that ... well, I was dying.

The man's mouth moved and hit the strings with his tongue from his throat, smiling. Once again, the dark city took his name.

Friday, July 2, 2010

Why Is My Toddler Is Thirsty All The Time

Cherry - Story (original) - homoerotic female

Thanks to all who wished me good luck with the part, got along with the study (although, as always, started last time, lol) and I think I did well. On Monday I find out if you promote the art, and as promised, here I go "Cherry" the story I wrote for the birthday of my darling Julia =). Below, I will post the prize has given me Yasmin, thank you linda! And to download the song that helped me write this story.) Good weekend! And force the Argentines for the match tomorrow!

Title: "Cherry"
Author: lonely soul

Gender: Drama - Romance - female homoeroticism
Couples -
Warnings: No
Date: Junio10 '

brunette beauty Cherry is why all sigh, flushed with air and legs long and hard. His penetrating gaze that attracts and mutes who wants to buy. Donna
very different, has its adherents, which lost in its endless curves and the whiteness of her breasts clubs. Prostitutes

profession, Donna dreams of leaving the city in the gray and crumbling found, but the leading man in the eye that has not been noticed her, but Cherry. Donna

not understand her friend, every time mysterious man takes away from it. But sometimes appearances are deceiving.

Why is determined to turn him away? What is it that hides the mysterious aura that they disappear again and again?

C herry

Darling I hope That my dream never haunted you My heart is telling

you How much I wanted you .. .

Gloomy Sunday.

(Gloomy sunday - mp3, here )

[Small adevertencia on "Gloomy Sunday": It has an urban legend on his back, as it can lead to suicide. Not so, obviously, but can you down a bit after hearing it a lot, and why I love this song]

Dedicated to my very Julia loved on his birthday.


Cheryl, was one of those women you meet only once in life. Revolved around a mysterious, dark, ruddy, and almost the same color as her hair waves, tiny loops, drawn by some invisible force, never ending assembled. His skin, like eternally kissed by the sun, resembling in tone to the brown sugar. Certainly, the legacy of his father or mother, was tall and had to haunt the twenty-five. In the places he frequented, always dressed in daring necklines that leave the sight of the virtues with which the Lord had dressed, she was known by the name of Cherry. The nickname had not left anything else its name, and was due mostly to strong red, pasty to always painted his fleshy lips. There was a girl that any man or woman could handle, but for a few bucks, I would let you do what they wanted with it, if you dare to look at those black eyes he had, and ask him. Sometimes it was just bouncing force preventing it stared back, many often get lost in the nakedness of her slender ankles and the firmness with which he remained upright on the two long legs and rounded, completely soft to the eye . The curves of her body were pronounced, as a cello. His very voice was stolen out of that instrument and they were few and their vibrating strings to hear her speak.

Donna, however, resembled a ripe and juicy peach. His charm was totally different, and yet it was, it did. She was easy to approach, but you always end up asking for more. With Donna, but you missed in their curves, her whole body was full of curves could tell you everything you wanted her to do, and she would. If those lips could have kissed the places ... His hair was very thin and slightly wavy, of a chestnut tree that could almost be confused with the blonde. Her green eyes rather opaque glowed as she walked down the street with their white shirts plump, translucent, to the point where pubescent boys wet their pants when they could see the dark halos of her large breasts exposed. She was short and stocky, typical Italian woman. Never wore makeup and no one ever put nickname. It was not necessary, when that mouth could make you scream "Oh, bella donna ...!» in dozens of languages, the countless times that your body resist the passion that these smooth curves and infinite.

And while both girls had spent the winters in that same small town in ruins, and even if both were so different Cherry and Donna shared the same work and for his bed every night, passing dozens of men willing to forget the coldness of their women, or the coldness of the sheets with which they were to return home. The first used to frequent most Cheryl, the second to Donna.

La bella Donna ... woman too many, and for others, the arms that rest on a sad Sunday, and regain the desire to rise another Monday. One more.

The girls used to fight while waiting for the next customer. A Cherry liked upsetting Donna see his cheeks red with anger or shame, depending on the occasion. Not many that it succeeded, perhaps the fairest thing would be that the brunette was the only one who could make so much anger. The men who frequented the places where they used to be dropped, laughed out loud every time a new lawsuit began. They were so different ... high, the other low, a plump and smooth, the other legs firm and taut as the strings of a guitar. Yet seeing them together seemed sisters, while a discreet laugh and the other who knows what he shouted insults.

always had laughs for customers when this happened. There was always laughter when they fought, they all knew, in some strange way, "that those insults were said to heart. That was another way to communicate with each other, to make that job more bearable that the two had decided to go.

But the laughs were not always present. There were times, certain days of the week, in which the men around them, whether in the street or in the tavern kept quiet and kept a respectful silence, afraid that the lawsuits would become real things. That would become the reality from which they escaped when they were there, looking for dreams and fantasies in the mouth of bottles or well-paid prostitutes. But easy to make dreams were shattered when the man appeared.

That man used to have the same air of mystery surrounding Cherry. He wore a beige overcoat, long, neatly covered her dark blue suit he always wore. A wide-brimmed hat covered his face in shadows, which blended with the wisps of smoke that danced and ran their way. And Donna watched him approach the two. Approach with these small steps and walking wearily, totally elegant. She imagined that this had to walk the great movie stars after leaving the paper garments function. The eyes were all that stood out from the shadows and were bright green, a color so strong that it made his irises appear more opaque. She wanted to look at her, that we open our arms as the leading men he saw in the movies, and to take her away, that away from that gray continued, the vagueness of those long, dark streets, and walk away, yes, very far away to a field where the grass and flowers have the same force that gave off green eyes. Donna wanted to catch him.

But he looked at her.

The man raised his hand, nor put in front of her. The sound of a bottle carelessly dropped on the wood, drew the attention of all present, who looked at as guilty as if breaking the deathly silence had been the worst sin in your life. And partly, it could. Guilty of waking, and reminding them that life existed outside those four walls, they all had problems that emerge should return once the accomplice dark, gray plain that it was their day to day.

Donna saw him take Cherry's hand in hers, and she get away with it, sending the two doubly mysterious air, as if all of those bodies had come out of a movie.

O were to get into one.


While leaving, those feelings of anger that were never true when I yelled at Cheryl, became sincere in their silence, in the way that more and more opened his eyes, trying to prevent tears that drew the anger expressed by their plump red cheeks. Slowly, the gap sound would break and the whispers grew louder talks became, in laughter and guffaws.

And there was no more trace of the man and Cherry.

But Donna did not forget. I could not. In his retina had recorded each of the outputs of those two people who both wanted to her and let her aside for a few hours, minutes and seconds that she was eating and looked overwhelmed by jealousy. Recalling the gentle and compassionate smiles that were stained cherry red lips whenever going with that man. The brunette goddess knew how much he longed to share the bed with him, how low would be willing to fall for such a night in his company, cradle it between her huge breasts as white and soft melody sang some Italian, looking for hypnotizing and catch on their networks, in your mouth, between her legs. Donna Cherry knew he wanted to go with him. And that seemed to matter as he went and left her alone, there in the hands of others, in the mockery of the corroded hope that something would change that night and he would return and take her to it. Crude and senseless hope, which yet when the next customer approached it, continued living in a hidden place in his heart.


- Are not you glad, Cherry? He has come again for you.

background noise in the bar reached his ears, blurred, as the rattle of rain against the glass of the huge window. People huddled in the each other regardless of mixed odors the sweat of the daily work caused. Chatting, melancholy, clutching a bottle of alcohol, waiting while his clothes dried, liquid that could take the cold street. The chill in their hearts.

Donna had heard the new girl talk to Cherry but was unfazed. For weeks they were not heading word and tried to pretend not to exist. She was just there to await the next customer. Every so often, however, "his eyes traveled over the crowd to settle, discrete, in the face of Cherry. Whenever he did, a smile was planted on his lips, like those who used to run when going away from him, accompanied by the gallant that once again coming towards them.

"Do not give an idea of \u200b\u200bhow - heard her answer and felt that 'how much' meant many things, but not understood. Donna's cheeks were stained and not the mojito I had made. The despair and could not put into words or gestures, bustled inside and burning feeling in your chest and throat was reflected by a blush which surfaced in the skin of his face and neck. I hated her. Donna Cherry very much hated to leave her and take her to the man they desired and had never allowed near him.

was something Donna could not quite understand. Cheryl had never behaved like this with her. Like many of the patrons of the bars where they went, Donna had also come to believe that Cherry was like his sister. There was no physical resemblance, but I felt it, a connection between them so deep that it was difficult to explain. Even more, considering they were working for pleasure, people who rarely could believe in connections between people. It was an interesting logic, but no less true. Many of his clients were loving fathers and husbands allegedly copies. And yet when it came to meat, everything was valid.

So for Donna could come to believe that Cherry and she shared a similar bond, which joins two sisters by blood, had to be something important. But that bond was broken from day one that this man came across them.

If Donna was so infatuated with him was because he believed he could have it for her. Cheryl had chosen the first time I visited this bar, but I was sure that the second time he appeared there, his eyes had clashed with theirs. And he liked them. But Cherry took his hand and led him away, smiling. And it had done since that time. And probably would do today too.

saw her get up and walk among the tables, taking away the opportunity to watch it closely. Recently, the frequency of meetings had increased. And at that time did not know why I noticed, but there was something strange in the way they walked Cherry tonight. Now that I thought, in the same way I was seeing more days a week the man, fewer customers taking, as if ready to be exclusive to him. And even then hate yourself for thinking so, at that time wished that Cherry had never existed, putting her crush on the love she had for that girl who had always cared for her, and Donna did not know how .



The Cherry fading as a rival and partner, Donna had assured short nights in which the gain was abundant, and the power, if wanted, choose the people you go to bed. However, it was the same loss, the cause of much thought not to accept the first man approached him, trying to heal their pain, through warmth, like all those poor people in the bar.

The night was very cold in spite of entering spring. The rain had stopped, leaving the ground small pools in which reflected the stars of heaven. Donna watched them disappear under his footsteps, in the waves that draw on the water at every step. She wanted to laugh, thinking that no matter how close they were, the stars were still impossible to play.

The buxom young had grown accustomed to walking alone in there now that anyone could walk. The streets seemed wider and longer when Cherry disappeared for hours, leaving it forgotten in the cellar in which they used to fight, to hang out and have a laugh to customers. There were still laughing, but Donna could think they were more a joke to her than anything else. A joke for wanting two things and have lost them both. Maybe he deserved it.

I was so engrossed in it, it was late when he heard a noise coming up the sidewalk blocks, to where it was. When looking up, he found the person who least wanted to see at the time, walking slowly a few feet away. Cherry did not seem to have noticed his presence. I looked at the floor, to the same pools that she, destroying their stilettos white fluff were the moon and stars on the water. It seemed almost deliberately, lift the back foot a bajarlo justo sobre un pequeño punto luminoso, sin tratar de esquivarlo. Ni al agua ni a la estrella.

¿Jugaría a estrellarse en su cabeza?

La sombra del cuerpo de Donna, que asemejaba a un enorme globo de aire, estuvo a punto de ser reventada por los puntiagudos zapatos de Cherry. La joven morena se paró en seco al notar la desaparición de las estrellas y de toda luz en su sendero, y la miró con el asombro pintado en sus facciones; con una sorpresa que hacía tiempo que Donna no le veía. Surprises usually gave her and not vice versa.

-Donna ... -The call heard. His voice was mellow as echoed in the small alley that was next, more serious than it was in fact his tone. Long weeks had passed since the last time they spoke, but she was sure that his name had never been uttered with such sadness and devotion. Cherry seemed able to drink every little letters that made up the ' Donna' as if to imbibe in the force with which he had said.

not know if it was an effect of cold wind that blew over the cracks of the pavement, but he felt his legs trembling and Cheryl shoes on the pool of water in which they stood. His suspicion was confirmed when wanting to get back on track, those thin ankles that had always held upright were defeated by their weight, and almost fell the brunette Donna held her in his arms tightly against his chest. Donna was looking for strength where it did not. Its low height was just that: limited. Insufficient to support the body brown and oblong now leaning against it. But she refused to let go now that he had trapped.

- Hey, Cherry! "What's wrong with you!? asked scared. The mouth that had been around his neck he gasped when he threw a little more of it, to help straighten her legs. The black hair that fell like a curtain over her face bothered him, so Donna raised her hand and ran to her. Her eyes widened in surprise when she noticed her touch the heat given off by your skin and had not previously realized. The moonlight struck full in the cheeks of brown sugar and white as paper noted cookbook physician. Are you sick?

"It's nothing I should worry about, Donna.

- What do you mean?, You are burning, my God! I did not know why I spoke with the familiarity of old, but was more concerned that the desire to think about the situation in which they were. James should go to you revised

- No! "The Donna cry almost made the release, but remained as firmly as their nervous hands could. Cherry seemed to think a little over his next words, as soon continue. I'm not so bad and would not be good Jaimy worry about anything. Thou canst loose.

Donna hesitated, shook his head.

"No, do not let you go ... If you do not want to go see James, okay, but we'll go to my house and stay there. I have some remedies for the last time I got sick ... Only hopefully not outdated.

-Donna ... -Cherry seemed willing to complain, but Donna would not let him.

- What? She asked in a dry tone that just went with the softness of his voice sharp. Cherry did not have the courage to face the anger of the petacón woman, so he smiled and said:



Donna ran from one side to the other for your room, looking for blankets and clean sheets to put on your bed. Also changed for a more comfortable cushion. The noise of the rain that had been neglected for some time was replaced by water splashing against the ceramic tile in the bathroom. Half ajar door to the room was light enough to not bump into anything from the shadows. The only oil lamp is kept Cherry had left to be quiet while she bathed accommodated things. Mala had been their fate to arrive and discover that the light had gone in her small apartment. The practice helped her to find everything I needed while waiting for the other woman out of the bathroom.

Donna was a bit nervous and the nerves had been growing as the minutes passed. It was assumed that she was upset with Cherry, and his weakness as motherly personality that had made him forget everything and worry about the girl who was now stuck in your bathroom. Concern was understandable, however, being scarce times Cheryl was seen to have so bad. But ...

- Are you missing a lot? She asked, trying to erase the silence and with him all the ideas, mostly terrible, which swirled in his head. Here's ... Good heavens!

The towels fell to the ground with her hands to her mouth trying to contain the scream that was struggling to cross his lips. Cherry did not seem much quieter, on the edge of a tub that could not be yours. For now full a dark and bloody fluid.

-Donna, calm down, "he said calmly, trying not to scare her. Her back was to her, with her legs in the water and turned to her torso. Worn tone in which he had spoken to did not help calm and said it was because just a word, they refused to leave his mouth. While waiting for her labia again, observed the brown body, pale under the lights of the lamp. There were dark spots on your skin now did not know if they were shadows or bruising. But the biggest fear was to see, was hidden.

Donna stepped over the body and the other girl shook.

"Do not come, why do not you see this, Donna.

Cherry had never said so many times his name as that night. As if something should be appointed in every sentence that escaped from between his lips like a mantra. But Donna took a further step. And one more. The young brunette lowered her head, defeated, waiting for the reaction to seeing your body.

Donna wanted to say something, but her eyes were more eloquent than her when the first tear rolled down his cheek to fall upon the other salty liquid that filled the tub.

pubic hairs on the dark tangled between them because of the dry crust of blood that covered them. The lamplight helped hide the true horror that lay in the delicate area of \u200b\u200bthe body of Cherry, which kept falling tiny rubies acids traversing the length of your legs to hit the water. Along the way, the color red was increasing the drops of blood mixed against small cuts and scratches marking the skin of her inner thighs.

What animal would be willing to do that? "To enjoy a scene which not only froze the blood, but made it disappear?


Had reached first on your mouth or your brain idea? Donna did not know. And knew nothing. And the compassionate smile Cherry lips imitated again for she only ended up confirming his suspicions. Some could not believe they were true. Could eyes so pure and full of life might harbor such evil inside?

and came second, but realized many things she was sure that his head would explode at any time. The man's insistence, the disappearance of Cheryl. Their smiles as she broke his heart.

"No, Cheryl, Donna sobbed while not extending a hand and was taken by the other. Her white skin, tinged orange by the lamp, darkened with blood, cold and still wet, I was in the palm of the girl.

should have known, that in real life the mysterious air is not always synonymous with suitors, but people who hurt other people, bad people who hide in the shadows and silence , his desire to harm the other.

"Sorry," said Cherry. And the lump in his throat prevented him from Donna to tell him he had nothing to forgive, that it was stupid to let itself be fooled by a unique look and not have realized who the person who really liked and had never ceased to care.

The silence lasted for endless minutes in which Donna is devoted to clean the brown body trembling hand every time he pressed with more force than necessary. Although Cherry had never seen so unprotected in five feet ten, dark girl refused to drop whimper. Donna knew what was due to the piteous gasp was released when the hugged on the street. The idea of \u200b\u200bsilent pain I should be enduring made to bite his lip. Almost grateful to be back to the small oil lamp, he did not want to see that Cheryl was crying while cleaning. The hand that wiped the salty trail running aimlessly through his cheek told him that the other had a better view of what she believed.

Donna looked up and saw her smile. It was an unfortunate image. Her cheeks pale and her eyes narrowed by the same fever that damping in a cold sweat and probably sticky.

Maternal instinct emerge again, but maybe it was something else. While the need was the same. To pamper the body that long, trembling, to kiss every scratch and hurt ... wanted to take her to bed and cradle her in his chest as he recalled his old one nona nana would have sung as a child to help her sleep.

Leaked the cloth in small bowl and pass it again over the thighs.

"We have to get all the dried blood ... may become infected. "Her voice came out choked, unable to speak and less to do increased pressure on the wounds. But he did. The leg muscles rippled beneath his hands and forced himself not to stop. To continue getting all the dark crust of dried blood and still flowing in small amounts of some of the cuts. Cherry did not complain and Donna thanked him. Do not know what to do if you heard it scream.

Strong Cherry ...

Slowly brown skin resurfaced from carmine, and true to its momentum, scattered small kisses on her thighs, her soaked affection, apology and tears that were surfacing.

before her body was still shaking, and it was impossible to know whether it was the cold, fever or the touch of her lips. A part of it, unaware, he wished it was just because of her kisses. But I knew that it was not.

"Come on, can you walk?

Donna had gone to stand up and held out his hand again to help her out of there. Before leaving the bathroom, sank his free hand on the red liquid of the tub, not daring to look. He was disgusting, and not because it was blood and less because out of Cherry. Repugnance caused him all he stood for, the dirt in which Cheryl had sunk to protect their own desires.

But not anymore. That would be down the drain, blood, man and all the bad memories they had on all that.

helped her walk, accompanied by the vibrant light of the lamp that recreated strange figures on the walls around him. It seemed that the spying eyes from the corners and Donna wanted them to be angels to pray for them that night. She placed the lamp on the nightstand beside the bed and left a moment of Cherry to pull back the sheets and blankets and to welcome her among them. The body was laid with a softness that almost hurt her. But Cherry smiled trying not to worry her and she smiled back to her not to worry.

- Are you cold?, You want some more blankets? -Arrange the sheets to cover it well and the white smile Cherry shone like the sun at night, one more I want the calm down, could not.

"I'm fine, Mom . Lie once and you're about to give me an ulcer.

Immediately Donna pursed lips and pouted. As in the old days, he thought. And the anger did not last long.

"And I worried, was bitten," heartless.

took the lamp back and turned in bed to get from the other side. Before turning off sat under sheets and blankets and climbed a few more that were on Cheryl.

He turned in the bed to be on your side without giving it back to his companion. The rain clouds that raced across the sky as drowsy, slowly disappeared, leaving the full moon to illuminate dimly lit room. Donna opened her eyes and met the Cherry, looking also a clean face, no smiles, no tears, no nothing. The girl opened her lips and said:


Donna said and swallowed while looking brown hand beneath the sheets and pressed.

"Pray for me, because I'm lost", he said, embracing the warm body of the girl. The shadows in the room trembled at the thoughts that ran through his head and remained quiet at the end when two women fell asleep. Perhaps they were praying for them.

The walls of the room shine, covered with what looks like expensive boxes. His clients had never been to a place. But he is not a regular customer, or as one of them. Can someone call the customer who pay with your body to protect something? Because that is what Cheryl does. The cover under their thumb is soft to the touch, as plush. She pressed her fingers against the fabric tearing inadvertently, some of those fine hairs that are made. Panting mouth against her bare breasts repugnant, but some of the tension from your hands, there is no sign of disgust on her. However, the man who at that time wearing a hat and the green eyes looks likes so much Donna, you know what not to do anything to your liking and that you do so to care for the another girl.

hands of one large and pampered, come to her thighs and with her nails and nothing with them, begins to scratch there, with a vengeance, in a slow and deliberate for the pain to have time to visit the nerve endings of the skin brown, and bring all the information into your brain. Cheryl frowns and smiles without wanting the pleasure of seeing him pray, even though he knows that only makes them more angry and wounds on his body. She supports them stoically. Donna is well worth it. Cheryl does not care, and like every time that happens, close your eyes to hear the clink of the belt and leaves the darkness, trying to get into unconsciousness when the first hard thrust his battered blasts pubis. Today it seems that man is more moody than usual, or will, on the contrary, that happiness does more sadistic?

When noise-probably the first blow against a cheek downloaded is heard among the luxuries of the room, Donna awoke with a start and realized that it was all a dream. Short, perhaps, but think how scary it was to some there. His eyes used after a while the dark shadows sought between Cherry's body was sleeping beside her. Something in your chest relaxed at her slumber in peace, as if nothing chasing dreams. He raised one of his hands and sat disheveled hair that rested against the pillow, delaying their fingers in the dark threads and enjoying their softness.

Why had not noticed anything before? His chest was full of bubbles to touch Cherry, bubbles have always been there and the sign had never met. There was a sense resting on the anxieties of his mouth to keep kissing the dark skin, which existed long before man appeared among them. Would it be then that mysterious air which had attracted so much? If the answer was yes ... then how he felt about Cherry could only be one thing.

And in the name of that feeling, the conviction was made stronger.


bar men were surprised when none of the two women made an appearance at nightfall. The place was always full of laughter was deep in whispers and none paid attention to his letters or those of his opponent, his eyes sweeping the dark little room where they were. In some part of their minds the idea of \u200b\u200bthe two missing women together reassured. But who would cure the cold of their bodies if they were not they?

The old melancholy should forgive, but they could no longer return there. That night would find the mysterious man's body in a pool of his own blood in an alley not far to the bar. The stars, like shunning, not reflected either in your blood or body, wrapping it in secret again.

Donna and Cherry would already be very away for when they realized that they were the ones to blame for that death. Far in opaque green fields and red flowers such as lips ready to receive kisses. Might not have a heaven for them, as many sins were committed, but while they lived, nothing prevented them from enjoying the here and now.

For its part, the young Italian would understand that in life there is not just leading men, and there are divas, heroines air of mystery and adventure, and scarlet lips smiled and brought light into the darkness.

be Lips kissed discover a very special flavor. The cherry flavor and romance that always had sought and that he had finally found, not in leading men or men with green eyes, but in his own star red lips kiss to those who wear them. I must confess. Because the bond that united them was never like that binds the sisters from the start was not a tie, nor are sisters.

And the name of what brings them together?

Reserved for his ears and nobody else's.

(Such a lovely prize = 3)

7 You have to choose things that make you happy, and 7 Blogs to grant the award.

makes me happy:

* Complete story

* Play music * Kanjani8

* Diversity * See my friends manga

* Read * Learn more in Japan

What happened to and Jaz maccha and Karu-chan!

Visit their blogs!