Sunday, November 29, 2009

Melina Velba Playing Pool

The Trashmen - Surfin 'Bird

Afternoon of heavy rain and heat in Buenos Aires, late of tedium and boredom the fuckin 'city of the "feeling of insecurity." What better time to turn to music as a balm for both the systematic bombing of shit. Here I give you this plate The Trashmen to lift a little thing. The surf-rock band and garagera of Minneapolis, Minnesota born in 1962, represented among others by Tony Andreason (lead guitar and vocals), Steve Wahren (drums, vocals), Dal Winslow on guitar and vocals and Bob Reed on bass, soon to become known through his legendary "Surfin 'Bird", 1963, a combination of two hits of rhytm & blues The Rivington "The Bird's the Word" and "Papa-Oom-Mow-Mow" in a single subject. Well, the plaque contains much more than this great track, so lower it and dance wildly! Enjoy it and do not forget comment.

01 - surfin 'bird
02 - king of the surf
03 - Henrietta
04 - Miserlou
05 - Malaga
06 - it's so easy
07 - Tube City
08 - my woodie
09 - bird bath
10 - kuk
11 - money
12 - sleeper
13 - Surfin 'Bird (demo version)
14 - bird dance beat (demo version)
15 - walkin' my baby
16 - dancin 'with Santa


Until next
Mr X

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Tps Goalie Padd Sizing


After two promising issues conducted in 2004 and 2006, this year becomes the Baradero Reggae Festival with the presence of Cafres, Resistencia Suburban, Pintabien, Contraves, the Burning Reggae and many local bands. On December 20 from 14 pm. will arm about everything in the Municipal Amphitheatre Peter A. Carossi, on National Route 9 km 142, Baradero (Province of Buenos Aires) to only 1 hour from the capital city by going to the side of Rosario.
We're seeing! Http://

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Free Building Plans Granny Flats 80sm

Reggae Festival The Lost - Early recordings, demos, 1965-1966

Good album from the legendary band Boston garagera. While The Beatles' "Rubber Soul" opened heads, these guys also did about the same time but from the U.S. east coast. In order to enjoy this film. Ah, the fall comes with artwork and everything.
01.No Reason Knows Why
04.Violet Gown
05.Power Love And Money

06.Who Do You Love 07.I 'll Let You Go
10.It Is I
11.No Money In My Pocket
12.Violet Gown (Instrumental)
13.No Reason Why (Instrumental)
14.A Certain Chick
15.Walk On By (Instrumental)
17.Rocket Ship (Instrumental)
18.Space Kids (Instrumental)
19.Look Sharp (Instrumental)
20.Kaleidoscope (Acoustic)
21.It Is I (Acoustic)
22.Dry Your Eyes
23.Dead Flowers
24.No Money In My Pocket (Live)
25.Mystic (Seven Starry Skies)
26.Ole (As The Mere Bagatelle)


Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Hairstyles Foor Grey Hair

acoustic and live Latin American Horror Film in the MU

cycles in Mu Cosamostra film. The ties that bind Latin America with the terror are as varied as appellants. Since the settlers came with their hands and arms loaded and deposited all his sadism in these lands, the fate chained to Latin America to the systematic emergence of terror in its history. Also in the legends. Governments of terror with terror policies advocated by individuals who established and implemented terror are some realities that make our societies, fear triumphant seedlings, tools insignificant the great engine that combusts releasing brain-threatening fire that claim religion misunderstood the politics pyromaniacs and archangels of discrimination and exclusion. How could it be otherwise, the films made by these countries also showed that terror, with certain nuances depending on country of origin. The cycle has begun, but there are a few films, namely, on Thursday 12 will screen "Masterpieces of Terror" (1960), by Enrique Carreras Argentina to its biggest icon of the genre, the Ibero-American Narciso Ibáñez Menta; without another word. From Mexico, the next two movies bring us death and redemption atmospheres. It is no coincidence that within two films in this country, because if there is a place in the world that has in his films terror as one of the pillars, that is Mexico, with an ingrained folklore cult of the dead. On Thursday 19/11 film was screened in 1989, "Tomb Robbers" by Rubén Galindo Jr.: a funny story that has moments bizarrísimos, terror and hilarious situations. And end the series with "The Harrowing of Human Beast" (1971) of great Rene Cardona where the handling of terror is the most effective and might even say that much more cruel than other productions of the time. As always the meeting is at 19:30 pm. every Thursday of November in Mu, Meeting Place (Hipólito Yrigoyen 1440), where you can you take a mate, or a beer, and start to desenchufarte the day as you share the pleasure of watching films veery special. Greetings

Mr X

Thursday, November 5, 2009

How To Remove Huge Icecycles From Roof?

Makena Captive Sessions

Hello hello and hello people, I return to meet with you after I sent him a trip to South to clear birds from the head. Here I give you a good proposal for Tuesday night, this time that offers us our friend Jerome Arce, who has been organizing his production RSG good events. Attention then this Tuesday 10 November at Makena Cantina
of the night with music selected and projections!
